US Establishment Preferred Presidential Aspirants on Shaky Ground

Written by Subject: Philosophy: Fascism

US Establishment Preferred Presidential Aspirants on Shaky Ground

by Stephen Lendman

Months earlier, before campaign season got in full swing, odds favored a Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush November contest.

Things changed dramatically. After topping Sanders by more than two-to-one in earlier polls, both candidates are now virtually tied, momentum in his favor, notably as more disturbing facts about Hillary's dark side become public knowledge.

An accompanying article said forget about gender and calls for finally electing a woman president. 

She's no populist savior, notoriously against peace, equity and justice, as mean-spirited as a sadistic street thug. Her public record as first lady, US senator and secretary of state prove it.

Sanders is more opportunist than populist, a shameless character in his own right. His deplorable voting record shows his call for revolutionary change is a complete hoax, one of his many Big Lies, his credibility sorely lacking.

He's like all the rest, promising one thing, delivering another, his consistent record throughout years of public service, from local politics to Congress.

He's part of America's dirty system like all other political aspirants for top posts - a man of the people in name only, consistently betraying them.

Last year, his campaign was going nowhere, looking certain to be steamrolled by Clinton's heavily financed, seemingly unstoppable juggernaut.

Campaign momentum often shifts back and forth during America's endless political season.

Given Wall Street-led monied interests strongly for Clinton and notorious US election-rigging, Sanders remains an underdog, a long shot, enjoying his extended 15-minutes of fame - no matter what polls show.

Last June when Jeb Bush announced his candidacy, smart money had him easily becoming the Republican nominee - November's contest looking like a deplorable choice between a Bush and Clinton dynasty, assuring dirty business as usual on steroids no matter the winner.

Clinton is still highly favored to represent Democrats this fall. Bush's candidacy is fading, unable to gain traction, hanging on as long as possible before heading toward dropping out - given his 3% or less support in national polls.

His announcement message about wanting "the decades ahead (to be) the greatest time ever to be alive in this world" is a hollow forgotten echo, meaningless rubbish when stated.

His campaign is fast losing oxygen. He's no longer a credible contender, perhaps one or two major primary defeats away from dooming his presidential run altogether.

Trump remains way out in front in national polls, maintaining momentum, his campaign looking unstoppable. A previous article said he masterfully outwitted, outmaneuvered and outfoxed seasoned politicians like Bush, beating them at their own dirty game.

Ahead of Tuesday's New Hampshire primary, Bush tried putting a brave face on his dismal prospects, saying "I feel (Tuesday) is going to give us an upset."

Only if electoral rigging creates one. Iowa caucuses showed something distinctly rotten, Hillary likely stealing victory from the jaws of defeat.

Will things be rigged for Bush or another aspirant to defeat Trump the same way? Given his huge lead in New Hampshire and national polls, finishing second or worse would suggest unmistakable fraud.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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