Phony US Neutrality in Saudi/Iranian Rift

Written by Subject: Iran

Phony US Neutrality in Saudi/Iranian Rift

by Stephen Lendman

Many of the world's rogue states are close US allies, notably Saudi Arabia, other Gulf States, Egypt, Turkey and Israel.

Washington largely ignores their high crimes, their contempt for fundamental human rights and other democratic values, waging war on fundamental freedoms, stoking conflicts and instability.

State Department spokesman Admiral John Kirby expressing concern about rising Middle East tensions belies longstanding US initiatives fueling them.

Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr's extrajudicial execution passed with little more than a meaningless pro forma statement, urging Riyadh "to ensure fair and transparent judicial proceedings in all cases" - polar opposite longstanding kingdom policy.

Both nations partner in each other's high crimes, including efforts to keep Iran isolated, despite last year's nuclear agreement - a deal Riyadh and Israel continue opposing and may plan schemes to undermine.

Kirby was less than candid about Riyadh and other Gulf States cutting or reducing diplomatic ties with Iran, duplicitously saying "we continue to believe that diplomatic engagement and direct conversations are essential to work through differences" - at the same time Washington intends violating last year's Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA nuclear deal) by illegally imposing new sanctions on Iran, a flagrant breach, an indication of likely more hostile acts to come - especially under a new administration and Congress in January 2017.

Kirby claiming America "support(s) moderation, peace and stability" along with "redouble(d) efforts aimed at de-escalating regional tensions" is polar opposite longstanding US policy.

Endless conflicts and chaos serve its agenda. Peace and stability defeat it. Instead of blasting Riyadh's abominable human rights record and tension stoking rift with Iran, Washington refrained from criticism, creating the appearance of neutrality, showing its support for kingdom policies and longtime hostility toward Tehran.

On the one hand, it wants the nuclear deal preserved on US terms, reinterpreting principles agreed on by planning new sanctions for bogus reasons.

On the other, its longtime objective is regime change, wanting US-controlled puppet governance replacing Iranian sovereign independence - maintaining the Big Lie about Tehran fostering regional terrorism and threatening American and Israeli interests, blasting its legitimate military activities, solely for defensive purposes.

Pro-Israeli Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) senior fellow Patrick Clawson claims "(u)nless the Obama administration demonstrates stronger resolve in responding to Iranian aggression (sic), the Saudis and other Gulf monarchies will continue to take vigorous action of their own…"

America is fundamentally hostile to all independent states, notably oil and gas rich ones like Iran. Relations between both countries remain strained at best. 

Will US policymakers invent a pretext to wage war, risking embroiling the entire region and beyond in endless conflict? America's odious history suggests nothing positive ahead.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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