Open Season on Murdering Palestinians with Impunity

Written by Subject: Israel - Palestine

Open Season on Murdering Palestinians with Impunity

by Stephen Lendman

Since October 1, the death toll tops 100 defenseless Palestinian civilians murdered by Israeli forces unaccountably.

Rogue states operate this way, disturbingly against young children, over two dozen killed, hundreds injured or arrested. B'Tselem accused Israel of cold-blooded murder.

Its letter to Netanyahu demanded an end to the ongoing carnage, including "horrific…summary street executions." Executive director Hagai El-Ad accused him of "permit(ting) - and encourag(ing) the transformation of police officers, and even of armed civilians, into judges and executioners."

Free-fire rules let security forces murder in cold blood with impunity - police state injustice. "(F)ull support for documented instances of unlawful killing reflects a (horrific) reality" on the ground.

Shoot-to-kill orders can never be justified "no matter the circumstances, (especially) when suspect(s)" pose no danger to authorities, El-Ad stressed. Summary street executions endanger all Palestinians, guilty of being Arabs in a Jewish rogue state pretending to be democratic.

Israeli criminal law abolished the death penalty in 1954, over six decades ago. The decision to impose it should always be judicial in cases where governments authorize it.

Netanyahu's "silen(ce) when security forces operate outside the boundaries of the law cannot absolve one of responsibility. You will not be able to claim that your ears did not hear of this or that your mouth did not command it," said El-Ad. 

"Your protracted silence in the face of such events, while at the same time speaking in general commendation of the work of the security forces, make it all too clear what policy you advocate and support…As prime minister, you bear ultimate responsibility."

Separately, Google and You Tube agreed to cooperate with Israel in censoring or suppressing video evidence of soldiers and police committing summary executions and other atrocities.

Israeli officials, including deputy foreign minister Tzipi Hotovely, call hard evidence of state-sponsored high crimes "inciting violence and terrorism."

Both companies disgracefully agreed to monitor and prevent video materials Israeli officials call "inflammatory" - giving one of the world's greatest human rights abusers/longstanding perpetrator of state-sponsored terrorism veto power over video evidence revealing its high crimes.

Washington's dirty hands are likely involved in pressuring these companies and perhaps others to suppress damning material - indictable evidence just societies would use to hold culpable individuals accountable for their crimes.

Collaborating with Israel makes them complicit with murder and occupation harshness. It's also a flagrant US First Amendment violation.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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