Article Image Stephen Lendman


Obama Could Stop Israeli State Terror with One Phone Call He Won't Make

Written by Subject: Israel - Palestine

Obama Could Stop Israeli State Terror with One Phone Call He Won't Make

by Stephen Lendman

Washington supports ongoing Israeli violence against defenseless Palestinians. It wouldn't be happening otherwise.

One phone call from Obama to Netanyahu demanding an immediate halt to Israeli lawlessness, making it clear Washington won't tolerate it, would change everything now ongoing.

It continues because of full US support. Don't let duplicitous comments from John Kerry's State Department spokesman, Admiral John Kirby, fool you - claiming Kerry "remain(s) deeply concerned by the continued escalated violence."

At the same time, revealing Washington's official policy by "condemning the (Palestinian) terrorists attacks against Israelis."

White House press secretary Josh Earnest echoed the same sentiment - blaming Palestinians for Israeli high crimes, saying:

"(T)he United States condemns in the strongest possible terms the terrorist attacks - the recent terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians, which resulted in the murder of three Israelis and left numerous others wounded."

No condemnation of vicious, premeditated Israeli state terror - murdering 33 Palestinians through Wednesday, injuring well over 1,600 others, another 4,000 harmed by indiscriminate use of toxic tear gas.

Neurotoxins in tear gas are potentially lethal. They can cause severe side effects, including extreme pain, intense tightening in the chest, a burning and stinging sensation in the nose, eyes and throat.

Tear gas canister impacts can cause severe bleeding, fractures, at times requiring amputations. Israel uses extremely toxic agents in canisters marked "Made in USA."

Tear gas is a terror weapon. Doctors treating its victims have no antidote for the toxins used. All they can do is get them to a safe place, wash the gas from their eyes and other affected areas, using sterile saline. 

Children, the elderly, pregnant women, as well as anyone with respiratory or heart problems are especially vulnerable to potentially serious harm from tear gas exposure. Longterm effects are unknown.

Its use is banned in warfare under the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention. Palestine is a war theater, its residents guaranteed Fourth Geneva protections.

Israel spurns all international laws, especially humanitarian ones. Palestinian victimization is longstanding, no end to their suffering in sight, no outside help afforded them, their own Ramallah government against them, acting solely as Israel's enforcer.

On October 10, BDS activists called for "(s)olidarity with the Palestinian popular resistance! Boycott Israel now!"

Saying "a new generation of Palestinians is marching (in) the footsteps of previous (ones), rising up en masse against Israel's brutal, decades-old regime of occupation, settler colonialism and apartheid."

"World governments" shamelessly ignore Israel's full responsibility for ongoing violence. 

Calling on both sides to show restraint insults millions of suffering Palestinians, the tens of thousands murdered by Israel over nearly 7 decades, the brutality of endless daily persecution, a vicious Arab-hating state run by fascist extremists no different from Nazis - a racist, tyrannical criminal regime by any standard. 

"The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the Palestinian leadership of the global BDS movement, calls on people of conscience around the world to support Palestinians in their quest for freedom at this crucial moment by stepping up BDS activities against Israel's regime of oppression." 

"It is high time to isolate Israel's regime of militarization, securitization and racism as a danger not just to Palestinians and the Arab region, but to humanity at large."

We're all Palestinians now! Support the struggle of courageous people for the fundamental rights they've been long denied! 

Join in solidarity with their resistance against a ruthless oppressor! Speak out in their behalf! Help them in their time of need!

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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