Article Image BORG agents from Pima County Sheriffs Office MURDER Iraq Marine War veteran Jose Guerena!


BORG agents from Pima County Sheriffs Office MURDER Iraq Marine War veteran Jose Guerena!

Written by Subject: B.O.R.G.

BORG agents from Pima County Sheriffs Office MURDER Iraq Marine War veteran Jose Guerena!

Tucson Arizona  Jose Guerena, marine with  2 tours of duty in Iraq gunned down in cold blood by BORG agents in his castle.  The victim had a wife, Vanessa Guerena and  2 sons one 4 the other 6.  Only one of his family members, his 6 year old son, did not suffer the trauma from being at the scene where his father was executed.

As the MURDERING gang known in some circles as SWAT forced its way into his home, Guerena, a former Marine who served two tours of duty in Iraq, armed himself with his AR-15 rifle and told his wife and son to hide in a closet. As the gang members entered, the  perpetrators said that “Guerena confronted them from a hallway”. In the gangland shooting the thugs, shot 26 year old Guerena with more than 70 rounds in about 7 seconds, at least 60 of which struck Guerena. He was pronounced dead a little over an hour later.

The BORG Gang known as “the Pima County Sheriff's Department” lied (PDF) in their statement saying, “Guerena fired his weapon at the SWAT team”. They have changed their story acknowledge that not only did he not fire, the safety on his gun was still activated when he was murdered. Guerena had no prior criminal record, and the gang of thugs found nothing illegal in his home. The MAFIA gangsters’ police state records show they refused to allow paramedics give medical attention to Guerena for more than hour, leaving the young father to bleed to death, alone, in his own home.

The BORG GANG from the Police State of Pima County has now changed its story several times over the last few weeks. They have made a criminal confession (PDF) scolding the BORG media and critics for questioning the legality of the raid, the department's account of what happened, and the department's ability to fairly investigate its own officers. In typical MAFIA style they all refuse to talk or comment about their criminal history and to prevent their prosecution. They have obtained a BORG court order sealing the search warrants and police affidavits that led to the raids, and they're now refusing any further comment on the case at all. When BORG Propaganda Officer Jason Ogan was contacted with some questions, he replyed via email that the gang won't be releasing any more information. On Saturday, the head of the gang, Clarence Dupnik told Arizona Daily Star columnist Josh Brodesky that he may never release the search warrants and police affidavits in an effort to cover the asses and protect the pensions of his subordinate criminals.

The department's excuses for keeping all of this information under wraps makes absolute sense

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by David Jackson
Entered on:

 As a citizen of the "land of the free and home of the slave" - and, a former marine - I am sickened by the murder of this man, and fed up with the free pass that the so-called "press" continues to give to the Pima County hit squad and others like them.

 I am awaiting news of the indictments against the sheriff, the governor, and the state police for their colusion in the murder and subsequent cover-up...Waiting, not expecting.

 As a professional weapons trainer, who has trained various law enforcement personnel, and a criminal justice scholar and researcher, I guarantee one-and-all that this breach of human decency and the purported sworn duty is not all that uncommon, nor should it be considered an aberration of any sort: It's merely a precursor of things to come. Look for future incidents and the participation of other para military type of units. Or, as the military currently references their future, events that will be termed "going domestic". The tip-off will be the suspension of the posse comitatas laws, preventing the use of National Guard and "others" from enforcing civil law. (Some might remember the 1950's and 1960's, when government turned the guard loose on citizens who didn't cowtow to "executive" edicts. Or, the 1970's, when the guard was used to kill america's children at Kent State University - It can and will happen, again and often.

 The threat of death is the essence of all government control; the only differences are usually in how obvious (blatant) the methodoligies are. For all of our lifetimes, the U.S. has relied on "the rule of the people, in Congress assembled", which has at least presented the pretense of the "color of authority or law". No more. The cat is out of the bag.Guess what? Noone gives a damn.

 Humans are a renewable resource; one or a hundred and one dead ones don't matter to the smug elitists who think they know best and are so limp as to attempt to manipulate society (the world) to their lame, biased, arrogant, and superstitious view of right and wrong.

 The slaughtered marine is simply another "shot" in the opening volley.

May the Great Pumpkin help us all!

