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Beat the Holiday Blues

Written by Subject: Self-Help: Rational Living
Holiday Inn, 212 W. Osborn Rd. Phoenix, Arizona
$4 at the door

December 8, 2010
7 - 8:45 pm

Do the holidays make you or someone you care about feel...

& blue?
eat, drink, &
spend too much?
wallow in self-pity?
loath those you love?
wish the holidays were over
& you didn't have to face them?
want to pull the covers over your head?
fully understand the emptiness of existence?
flagellate yourself but with very little enjoyment?
experience shame, envy, greed, panic, and nausea?
pray that space aliens abduct you from the trailer park?
feel disgusted that crass commericalism has replaced the true
meaning of the holidays and that others have more money than you?
not even care that much—at times—about after xmas sales?!
beg Santa for an AK-47?

Well, do they? If so, then this may be the antidote you need. Using the self-help methods of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), beloved Dr. Emmett Velten will give you a gift that keeps on giving, show you how to get at the real sources of holiday blues, and then how to bother yourself a hell of a lot less. Q & A, and caroling, will follow the talk.
