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Get Ready for the next Stock Crash

Written by Subject: Economy - Economics USA
Bottom line is this. The fundamentals (math) doesn't allow for the large gains of the past week, and neither does the Lame-Stream news stories. So what's going on?
In the simplest terms...
     Central Bankers: "Is everyone's chips all on the table?....... then they are ours now." (followed by) "Are you sure that you are 'All in' this time, do we have the rest of your cash invested in this sucker's rally?... now that's ours".
Don't get suckered by the bullshit. Gold and Silver is going to get super stupid expensive one day soon and I know that I am going to be kicking myself in the ass for not buying more metals (but food and such has me distracted now :)

That's it. Just a feeling based on experience... and MATH!

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Xander Holman
Entered on:

This is exactly what I have been warning people, like friends and family, about for the last two years. The ups and downs of today's market have absolutely no bearing in reality. Its a suckers market. I only wish that I had more money to invest in gold and silver.

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