Article Image McCarthyism Witch Hunt


Globalization Paranoia: McCarthyism Sees A Conspiracy

Written by Edwin Sumcad Subject: Conspiracies

      Let’s state this straight – globalization is not some kind of a conspiracy of the New World Order. But it cast shadows. McCarthyism sees an ogre in those shadows as if ready to devour the world out of existence.       
       Understandably, in the outside world of McCarthyism, the reaction is what may be aptly described as xenophobic insanity. There was a ritualistic orgy of witch-hunting in the McCarthy era. It continues to this day.
    The Left is terribly angry that globalization is moving towards a capitalist free enterprise New World Order where everyone enjoys the freedom of choice. 
     When international socialist ideologues-cum-philosophers-crusaders were defeated in the United Nations to establish their International Structuralist Model of Socialism as the promise of the future for the human race, their fear worsened so badly that it metastasized to a severe paranoia. 
    Those who track down with academic interest the socialist movement both in the international scene and in the United States -- especially senior diplomats who had worked in the United Nations [and I am honored I was one of them] -- felt obligated to share what they knew, with millions of Americans who voted left in the last presidential election.  
      There is an urgent need to climb the belfry and ring the bell of alarm because while socialist ideologues failed in the UN, their liberal radical exponents had just planted their left foot at the door to make it ajar for their socialist ideology to enter and take a foothold here in the United States.  This was proven when America voted left in the last presidential election. 
    Their paranoia manifests in McCarthyism, reminiscent of the three centuries of the Great European Witch-Hunts [1450-1750] that “resulted in the trial, torture, and execution of tens of thousands of victims, about three-quarters of which were women… [1] It is McCarthyism out of control in the old world.   

The Witch Hunt
      In the modern world, McCarthyism is "The act of making insufficiently supported accusations or engaging in unfair investigations against a person[s] as an attempt to unfairly silence or discredit them…” [2] 
      Is McCarthyism dead? If it is, then hypocrisy is alive and well. 
     Perhaps there will be hearings like in the past that ruined the careers of many in Hollywood, who knows. Judging how the extreme right and the radical left counter-attack each other, blacklisting as in McCarthy’s days could be as real as Pentagon’s silent bombers cruising below our radar screen. 
      In this country, the Right is the Conservator of the Realm. They left their marks in the history of this country. Like the Left, they also have their fear. Their fear is the displacement of power and status that in years constantly come along with change. 
      While the Right holds the fort as the bedrock of American traditions, the Left sees to it that America is not imprisoned in a stagnant status quo, and had become the purveyor of change. 
    The Left shares the same political technology with the Right when upstaging each other in the eyes of the world – the common impatience to dissent. We know that the Conservative Right disagrees with big government interfering with the lives of individuals, while the Liberals and the radical Left want control so that the less advantaged will have an equal if not more of the share of the American pie. 
        But the high tide of change is on the shores of America. The world changes, so is America. Being the Left or the Right, is no more of great consequence. 
      The shift of power had moved from agriculture to industry, the predominance of the farm in the countryside has surrendered to the pre-eminence of the burgeoning metropolis; there was a constant invasion of immigrants which as of late created a big problem of “illegals” breaking into our borders. The indigenous American culture gave way to a new religious, economic and political configuration. 
      Impatient with this slow transition as the Right holds on to the old American values being the Guardian of the Realm, leftwing extremism is now trying to overthrow the status groups. Failing that, dissents from both sides of the isles became the politics of despair
       While the radical Left is angry in their march of liberalism down the trail of frustration to overthrow the System, the Right, confronted with the same predicament, is even angrier. As a whole, as in a war of attrition, both sides engaged each other in the politics of search and destroy. 
       Sen. Joseph McCarthy was said to be an arch monist and his search and destroy McCarthyism epitomized the monistic movement of the century. It is this historical account that in no small measure had in fact attracted my curiosity and eventual study of McCarthyism as a catalyst of change. 
      My discovery, which is less known to the American public, is appalling [now in my book to come out soon]. [3] It was a distorted perception of those who believed that McCarthy has exorcised the bogeyman of communism in America. 
       It might be a surprise to everyone to know that the real casualties of the McCarthy witch-hunt were the unsuspecting “liberal Left and the already impaired momentum of the New Deal [ Roosevelt’s concerns for the average American]. No wonder a new generation of radical idealists came up through the peace and civil-rights movements rather than the Democratic Party...” [4] 
       Indeed, the ghost of Sen. McCarthy made a home in the dark corners of America’s mind on the edge, torn between disquieting suspicion and endless paranoia. 
       In this new millennium, McCarthyism translates into the fear of the dark shadows of globalization. 
       There is this fear that globalization is the working of “nameless enemies” conspiring to dominate the world under the aegis of the New Established Order [also called One World Order]. 
        UN’s Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific [where I worked for more than a decade] was concerned with this development in mid-1980s; Neo-Marxism and Maoism since the 1950-1960’s advent of nationalism were suspects in this movement for world dominance. Baran, Paul, Sweezy, and Magdoff were among those strong author-advocates of what was known to be The Extreme International Structuralist Model of Socialism. This was countered by the well-known works of Clide, Thomas and others on Competitive Capitalism which put the aligned nations of the free world also in the same footing with the far left as suspect for world dominance. This filtered into today’s continuing debates as to which model should rule the world under the UN’s declared New International Order. The Socialists lost. 
      In the United States, reactions to this fear of displacement of power and status are in the sub-conscious that distorts perception of reality in extremis since 9/11 altered our sense of national and individual security. 9/11 traumatized the American psyche. It resurrected the long abhorred McCarthyism paranoia. 
      Today many Americans walk in fear of their shadow. Anyone and anything that moves is a terrorist of some kind. 
      A litany of stress-caused paranoia may be cited as an example, to underscore this point: The children in school are perceived to be brainwashed by an educational system programmed to serve the masters of the New Established Order. 
      Under the Supreme Designer of a one world order, the paranoid assumed that the System gives ordinary Americans no alternative but to think only globally outside of their individual self; that the government is infiltrated with communist spies and fifth columns; Washington D.C. and Capitol Hill are run by subversives that passed laws aimed to change America into a nation of the weak and the meek; that Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Emancipation Act that abolished slavery was preached but honored in the breach, especially in Congress where a member of the House Judiciary Committee has been accused of requiring his staff to serve him like how slaves served their masters in the past.        
      The paranoia of immigrant invasion is even more shocking out of this fear of displacement of power and status in this becoming more and more contentious, xenophobic society. The canting lines of those who kicked the bucket are, people of the world are taking over America; they steal American jobs worse than how the Irish invasion of New York turned New York into Ireland’s colony in Martin Scorsese’s bloody Gangs of New York. 
       Think about it, if immigration invasion is shocking, its attendant chauvinistic insanity is even incredibly paralyzing to think about. It is feared that illegal Mexican workers are not only here to take away American jobs …they came here illegally disguised as an invading force to take back territories that America had allegedly pirated from Mexico long time ago. …! 
        In literature, Don Quixote who believed that he was an anointed Knight, attacked the windmill with his lance because it was evil that was overpowering good. He was not in his straightjacket. 
       This over-population phobia and this maddening fear of immigrant overload that soon there will be no more a square inch of space left in the United States unoccupied, and no more food to eat, are leftovers of the Malthusian Theory that had been debunked and discarded by social scientist as rubbish many years ago. 
       This belief is like the belief in the olden times that the world was flat. It rested in the archive of nonsense and madness because the premise was faulty. It proceeds from the theory that population and food consumption are exponentially increasing while land and food production are decreasing.  It ignores the fact that birth rate can be held down by death rate – war, pestilence and famine, birth control, population saturation decreased by migration, etc. – and the everlasting supply of food is a function of economics, and in the modern world, of advancing technology. 
       Poverty and hunger in some unfortunate countries of the world are primarily due to the failure of the function of economics. In politics, it is also attributed to the failure of the political system and national leadership, not to mention ignorance, antiquated traditions and beliefs, poor education, as well as cultural, religious and other similar constraints. 
       “Over-population” as a cause of poverty, is addressed by population control and economic development in the Third World under the U.N.’s  New International Order. But the cause of poverty is never due to Malthus’ theory of lack of space because the population had increased over the years. 
         In the United States -- the wealthiest and the strongest nation on the planet -- the push-button economy and the country’s tremendous advance in technology make Thomas Malthus and his remnants look like aliens from the another planet. 
       In sum, “globalist” phobia creates a panic that our Republican sovereignty is ebbing away, and the patrimony of the land is slowly stolen by thieves of the Realm whom we have given our trust to take charge, and to whom we bestowed our confidence and good faith to govern. In the mind of a 2008 McCarthy, the communist and the conniving oligarch are on top of us and are taking over our lives.  
         According to Dr. L. Forbes Winslow who studied the growth of lunacy over the past fifty years, “we shall be a mad world in 300 years’ time.” [5] 
        Mexican immigration xenophobia, owing to its historical and geographical background, gives a good example of what xenophobic lunacy is all about. Dr. Forbes quoted an English psychologist that “in order to have a genius born into the world you must get two lunatics to marry…” 
        Sad to say but true -- we have lunatics born to this kind of marriage. We have many essayists who are good in writing down their paranoia that for us not to believe what they have written about is like committing a blasphemy. They are good at it because first it is a first person account, and second, they are self-privileged with the necessary tool of the academia. I am referring to the famous Arthur Schopenhauer, who to me is one of the world’s greatest essayists of our time born to this type of questionable marriage. [6]  
      Schopenhauer was born in Dantzig of Polish Prusia, “the chief emporium of Poland with Western Europe where the first Protestant revolt took place.” Time baptized his birth with protest. Dissent was his philosophical creed. 
     In our midst, we have geniuses of Schopenhauer’s caliber. They write many brilliant epigrammatic images that illumine what is perceived to be the truth. It is baring the skeleton of the human mind that makes them outstanding. Unfortunately, life is interwoven with delicate evasions and hypocrisies that when they charge without any bone of contention or art of pretension, they are unable to get a public applause easily, to their chagrin. 
         More of this anarchism rises to the fore when rumors are almost convincingly written as facts in a spectacle of disillusionment which characterized Schopenhauer as an extreme pessimist. 
        A good example of this spectacle is the rumor that Nero burned Rome. Writers of events like the genius of Danzig, repeated this rumor as fact. It becomes history. [The Annals of Tacitus, XV 38]. [7] 
        The Nazis made human soap and was proven to be fact [Judgment, Nuremburg Trial]. [7] “This ‘fact’ has since become, apparently, merely ‘rumour’ (Hilberg, ‘revised definitive’ Destruction of the European Jews, Holmes and Meier, NY, page 966: ‘To this day, the origin of the soap making rumour has not been traced’.” 
         Re-writing of history is as old as history itself.
       The litany of xenophobic paranoia just cited cannot tolerate differences, and cannot accept the reality that this nation is of different races, of multiculturalism; it is unable to endure tolerance, different international states under a world government, a United Nations abolitionist – angry opponent of globalization. 
         The real world is not in Disneyland where one fantasizes an invasion of America to dominate the world. Globalization is simply a function of technological advancement that cannot be stopped.  
          Globalization is not a design of any maniac to dominate the world; it does not come into being out of human whims and caprices nor is it created by the accusing mind of the xenophobic that tend to capitalize on rumors as facts. It is in   this sense that Schopenhauer’s sanity was held in doubt. 
         Yet like Schopenhauer, this superior quality of seeing things for oneself is a stamp of an original mind which seals the eminence of a genius. For the insane, it is called hallucination. 
          Schopenhauer was born to a family predisposed to hypochondria. His parental grandmother was reported insane, two of the children suffered mental incapacity, with still another suffering a mental illness from his father’s side. Only a thin line separates his genius from insanity. 
         He was born to a mother who married his father “in the interest of the individual instead of unconsciously fulfilling the will of the species, and that the offspring of the union suffered in consequence." [Ibid]  
   In Dr. Winslow’s book ”The Insanity of Passion and Crime”, this is what he documented of paranoia and xenophobic lunacy: “[W]e have been intermarrying and inbreeding in consortium lunacy, cancer, scrofula or hereditary peculiarities, the result being ‘a rapidly degenerating race of feeble-minded and weakly constituted individuals.’ ” 
   It is not complimentary to those who think that in globalization, there is a bogeyman under their bed. #

© Copyright Edwin A. Sumcad. Access November 12, 2008.

  The writer is an award-winning journalist. Know more about the author by reading his published editorials and feature articles or you may e-mail your comment at