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Charles Goyette leaving radio KFNX 1100AM Friday

Written by Subject: Media: Radio
Charles Goyette announced on his radio show this morning that he was leaving the station and radio for the immediate future.  He reminisced about his time and his return to 1100AM, including  the comment that the station had changed from the first time he was working there when it really was a talk radio station, to the present lonely spot he holds as talk radio on an almost infomercial style station.  His leaving coincides with the end of his current contract, that he has decided not to renew.
He discussed future plans, including possibly revamping his web site, which fans remember has for many years languished.  Hopefully an easy interface for Charles so he can blog his thoughts might increase his chances of actually keeping his site current.  I hope so, as Goyette is worth knowing, and his ideas hold up over time -- unlike the fluff shoveled out by many talk show hosts who's "ideas" are vapid and quickly forgotten.
He has a book nearing completion, and will be seeking a publisher.
He is toying with podcasting -- the ability to broadcast from your own home over the Internet at low cost.  The Patriot Group does this, and several talk show hosts as well.  AntiWar Radio provides him with a medium to release his podcasts (and interviews) and is own web site would allow him a complete archive of his efforts if he wished.  Of course -- being a good laissez faire capitalist -- he would like to figure out how to earn a living from his efforts undoubtedly so he can put food on his families.
I got the feeling he was entertaining the idea of public speaking, and as an example mentioned the R3VOLution March occurring in Washington, DC in July where he will be speaking on the economy and economics.)
Man, as a personal note, I will miss my Goyette fix in the morning.  I know I won't be alone.  The thing that was great about Goyette was a local Phoenix talk radio host who drew from not just a national forum, but an International forum.  Phone calls came in from not just around the USA over the toll free number from people listening in on the Internet, but clever people who know how to call in over International trunk lines into parts of the USA where they can connect through the toll number would call from around the planet while listening in. 

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by nattydread
Entered on:

Charles Goyette is by far the most intelligint, independent voice on the radio. He will be missed. I hope he is able to find the time and rescources to podcast, and hope his website comes back up online. There is no other that can take his place, we can only hope that someone as honest, and genuine as him can find their way to our air waves. Neither right, nor left, only truth should the agenda be. Good luck Charles

Comment by RunAmok
Entered on:

I earnestly hope that Charles's absence from the airwaves is very brief. He is an authentic hero and an indispensable defender of principle in a medium badly overrun by shills, sycophants, and stooges.
