Article Image Photo by Gina B. Good


Clark County, NV Republicans Meet - Bob Beers Attended (Video)-Update

Written by Subject: Politics: Republican Campaigns
Ooof.  I would be very gracious if I called the network spotty.  Non-existant would be a better phrase to describe it.  So, while I crank through and upload video from the beginning of the meeting, please enjoy the video from the end of the meeting that I recorded and uploaded as I went.  Again, recording depended on having a network connection, so there are missing pieces (but, not as much as if you were trying to get it live). -- Brock
Video from the Event 
Part I , II , III , IV
Parts 5-9 are lower quality because they were recorded during the live event.  I apologize for the missing pieces.
If you are in Las Vegas, please come to the West Sahara library at 6:30 pm to discuss the events at the Nevada Republican Convention.  Word is leaking out that State Senator Bob Beers, the convention chair, will attend so this will be a great opportunity to get the latest and greatest straight from the man himself.
West Sahara Library
9600 W Sahara Ave
Las Vegas, NV
If you aren't lucky enough to attend in person, come right back here at 6:30 pm Pacific Time.  If at all possible, we'll be streaming the meeting live so everyone can get the unfiltered version. 
(Blah Blah Blah - All Beers kept saying was that if they played ball and let the Nevada Republican Party have their way, that in 10 - 15 years they could be in control and maybe even elected to public office. The fact that this room was full of people that want their freedom NOW didn't even cross his mind. These people are all about power and control and think that everyone else is too. - Ernie)