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The Gateway Pundit

Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there today. Hope you have a wonderful day as you deserve. Thank you for the important work you do.

Article Image - L Reichard White

The current, apparently brain-dead leaders of those countries you used to refer to as "our friends and partners in the west" refuse to take you seriously. I know, as you said, you expect that.

Article Image SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News

Two Cases of Woke Justice In Ohio, Judge Brian Hagan ordered that Bionca Ellis be released on her own recognizance. Three days later she shoplifted a knife and stabbed three-year-old Julian Wood to death in the parking lot outside the Giant Eagle

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Article Image, by PJ Media

It's not often that I agree with education analyst Diane Ravitch, who is rabidly anti-school choice and anti-religious, but she's right to call out the latest government boondoggle that's supposed to magically teach kids to read. She opined las

Article Image, By Tracy Thurman

In my previous two articles, we covered the global war on farmers and the culprits behind this agenda. Today, we will dive into the tactics these organizations use to foist their dystopian vision on the rest of us.

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Smooth-On --

Watch this video to learn the basics of Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC). We explain the different components, mix designs and the proper techniques needed to create high-quality GFRC. The benefits of Forton® VF-774 are also explained in great
