After Census is over, from April we will start collecting the biometrics (photographs, 10 fingerprints, 2 iris prints) and this will feed into the UID. After getting the UID, we will be issuing the National Population register card to every...
A recent report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) demonstrates that the federal E-Verify program needs a biometric component, according to the Security Industry Association (SIA).
On Monday, the ACLU of Illinois issued a report claiming there are about 10,000 cameras in Chicago, including cameras operated by police, public schools, public transit and private businesses linked to the city’s 911 Center.
Countries would develop programs to better verify the identities of travellers, including through common standards for the use of biometrics and shared information on travellers in real time, according to the early draft of the border declaration.
Just to give you one example – the blimps – you see two of them over Kabul now – we’ve gone from 8 to 68 of those just in the last several months, and we’re going to expand those further. Each one of those has very capable optics on it.
Face-scanning technologies are infiltrating food, security and iPhone apps. By reading your facial expressions, these vaguely unsettling machines can detect what you're hungry for, if you're a criminal and if you've got...
A company based in Puerto Rico wants to install iris-detection capabilities in everything from cell phones to ATMs, beefing up personalized security options in an increasingly networked world.
"Service member” should not apply only to those in uniform, but to us all. The concept of national service is not new, nor is it outdated. When America needs it, national service is the personal obligation of every American. And she needs it now.
Grassley, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Intelligence Committee Ranking Republican Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., will introduce legislation to make the measures permanent.
The U.S. military often uses the small and portable "hand-held tri-biometric system that allows users to enroll and match via any of the three primary biometrics: iris, finger and face." This biometric device is also pointed toward police application
The federal government designates the Super Bowl as a Level One security event. At this year's game, even people stuck outside the stadium will get a pat-down from a security guard.
Writing this letter makes me uncomfortable.
I consider myself an investor and entrepreneur who explores the world in search of opportunities to create value; I'm not a sales guy in the least... but what I have to say today is very important.
As key patents expire and costs fall, Hoyos wants to make the technology ubiquitous, installing it on mobile phones to verify online payments and cash machines to replace bank cards that require personal identification numbers...
Secret police with their faces covered by black ski-masks are the hallmark of any modern day dictatorship, which is why the sudden appearance of one such individual helping police conduct traffic checkpoints in Houston County by roughing up victims..
An increasing number of premises and public spaces are permanently monitored. Stationary radars deployed by the roads monitor our vehicles and the speed at which they move. Our every entrance, not only into banks, but also shopping malls, is immortal
The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs...
The proposed legislation, introduced into the US Senate by senator Joe Lieberman, who is chairman of the US Homeland Security committee, seeks to grant the President broad emergency powers over the internet in times of national emergency.
It was not immediately clear what the Indian government, which says it is driven by security concerns, would now do after the Canadian smartphone maker failed to fulfill demands to monitor encrypted corporate email by a January 31 deadline. RIM had p
Here's an ominous development that is likely to pass almost unnoticed: a congressman requesting that the federal government identify to him everyone who has made a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
The Internet service provider (ISP) hosting WikiLeaks' servers is fighting back against the European Data Retention Directive by running all customer traffic through an encrypted virtual private network (VPN) service before logging it.
The Europea
Imagine sitting down at a public PC, surfing the Web, visiting Facebook, checking your online bank account and buying something on -- all without entering passwords or credit card information.
Tijuana was the setting Monday for the launch of an identity card program aimed at minors across Mexico, a move that authorities said would reduce paperwork as well as protect against child trafficking, prostitution and other forms of abuse.
[while we get the Patriot Act renewed] Britain's government announced it was overturning some of their unpopular anti-terrorism laws. The measures, put in place after Sept. 11, 2001, were widely thought to be some of the toughest in the West.
New York Republican Peter King has introduced a bill that would protect the army of citizen spies Homeland Security hopes to recruit under Janet Napolitano’s “See Something, Say Something” snoop campaign from lawsuits brought by innocent people...
To help absent-minded shoppers searching for 'lost' automobiles, Santa Monica Place installs the nation's first camera-based 'Find Your Car' system. Despite a few bugs, the technology is gaining fans — but there are privacy concerns.
But what i
On Friday the United States Department of Commerce and a host of privacy and security experts met at Stanford University to discuss the mapping out of an "Identity Ecosystem" for cyberspace.
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