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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

We Need to Talk About Tim Walz

• Organic Prepper - Daisy Luther

The MSM is in overdrive, so desperate are they to make over the images of Vice President Kamala Harris and her VP Nominee, Minnesota Governor. Tim Walz. We've already discussed Harris's shiny new image, but I think we really need to talk about Tim Walz.

To borrow a word from the ultra-liberal lexicon, he is, to say the least, "problematic."

The propaganda machine is trying to gloss over all the lies and paint him as a bastion of the "new masculinity." Friends, if this is an example of new masculinity, please give me the old-fashioned kind. All day long and twice on Sunday.

The Salon article

It's been a long time since I've read anything so utterly false, ridiculous, and nauseating as an article entitled, "Joyful Warrior Tim Walz and the End of the Patriarchy." The subheading reads,

Tim Walz drives MAGA men nuts — he's living proof that their tormented masculinity is yesterday's news.

The featured image shows a cherubic-looking Walz clapping his hands and on the verge of weeping.

Don't worry. I read this rambling discourse of ridiculousness so you don't have to.

It was written by a high school English teacher, may heaven help the next generation. The first part of the article says nothing about Walz but speaks of the crisis that boys and men are facing in the United States. Here's an excerpt:

Boys and men are behaving like a conquered people.

To be clear, I don't believe that men are a conquered people. I do not feel conquered, nor do I think that men as a class are conquered. But what matters is not what is actually true, but what men and boys perceive to be true. And enough of them feel this way to have triggered this crisis.

To feel like a conquered people is a terrible thing. The psychic wounds are profound. Among some Indigenous Americans, we see much of the same evidence as in modern American men: underachievement, underemployment, alcoholism, drug addiction, despair, suicide.
