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Reagan the Movie: How the Mainstream Media Can't Help Itself

• American Greatness

On Friday, I did something I hadn't done since before COVID-19, I went and saw a movie premiere on the day it opened in an actual movie theater. With my childhood friend Susan, whom I've known for more than five decades—a dyed-in-the-wool conservative just like me—we went and saw Reagan. And unlike most critics on Rotten Tomatoes who rated it at 18% and elsewhere, we loved it along with a virtually unprecedented 98% of Rotten Tomato viewers.

Right up front, I can say that Reagan is not without flaws. The cinematography in much of the movie is quite dark, especially in the flashback scenes at the start of the film. Also, at 2 hours and 15 minutes, the film is long. While a lot of footage was likely left on the cutting room floor, getting Reagan down to two hours would likely help. When Reagan comes to streaming, I'll watch it again.

With that out of the way, I will say that Dennis Quaid's performance as Ronald Reagan is simply outstanding. It's easily his best work since The Big Easy, one of my all-time favorite movies, a movie I like to say is a guilty pleasure (with equally great chemistry with co-star Ellen Barkin). When Susan and I entered the 530 PM showing, people exiting from the earlier 3 PM showing had tears in their eyes, saying to us that Reagan would pull on our emotions, which it did. Again, and to not spoil it for you, if I were writing the screenplay, the ending is exactly how I would have written it. It generated applause from everyone in the theater.