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Liberty Report Mythbusters

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It's been almost a decade since the last Federal Reserve financial crisis. They thought that unprecedented money printing (by the trillions) would fix things. It only made things much worse, promising an even bigger financial crisis to come. Ron Paul

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See those people over there? They've racked up $20 Trillion in debt. You should really loan them your hard-earned money. Their debt is considered "the world's safest financial asset." Sound like a good deal? Ron Paul on the world's biggest deadbeat,

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This week, The Washington Post ran an editorial titled: "Sobering news for $15 minimum-wage boosters." It turns out that the sobering news is that the minimum wage ends up hurting the very people it's supposedly intended to help. Ron Paul explains wh

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Fear and power go hand in hand. There are always new fears (real and imagined) that power seeks to capitalize on. A new one is the fear that robots "will take all of our jobs." Lots of government "solutions" are being tossed around, but hardly a ment

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An American businessman is elected to head a bankrupt government. Instead of using business sense, the new president decides to increase both government spending and debt! Meanwhile, even though spending is increasing, his opponents are hysterically

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President Trump wants to spend $1 Trillion on "infrastructure?" Where does a government that is $20 Trillion in debt get the audacity to spend another trillion that it doesn't have? Today on Myth-Busters!

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If government can just take your property from you, is it really your property to begin with? Eminent domain is legalized theft and President Trump is a big fan. Ron Paul defends individual liberty, property rights, and voluntary interactions on toda

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Today on Ron Paul's Myth-Busters, Dr. Paul takes a look at some of the Cultural Marxist and PC buzzwords, like "equality," "diversity," "discrimination," and "privilege." The supposed champions of a person's 'freedom to choose' actually advocate the

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It's Friday, which means it's payday for most people. Time to deposit that check into the bank, right? But what happens to that deposit? What happens in that building where a little rectangular sign says the government has you "insured". Ron Paul giv

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One of the biggest myths about American history is that FDR saved capitalism from itself and the hands-off laissez-faire policies of Herbert Hoover. It's a total lie from start to finish. Ron Paul's Myth-Busters comes to the rescue with the truth

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It may be difficult for some people to believe, but not too long ago, gold was the international medium of exchange. It facilitated economic growth like the world has never seen. Contrary to government propaganda, gold did not fail as money. It was g

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There are many different interests that depend on the existence of the Federal Reserve and its ability to create money out of thin air. Today we discuss those groups and the reasons why they have no interest in getting rid of the Fed.

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In a few months, the federal government's debt is going to cross $20 Trillion or $160,000 per taxpayer. Governments (and central banks) always reach the checkmate point. The U.S. federal government and Federal Reserve will not be an exception. Today

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This week a report was released stating that the richest eight individuals in the world have more wealth than everyone else combined. You're expected to perceive this as a problem, without putting thought into whether or not the mega-rich earned thei

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President-Elect Trump held his first press conference in quite some time. While it may be entertaining to watch him battle with the media, there are some tough and challenging consequences heading our way when it comes to Trump's stated policies. Ron

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Rather than "Drain The Swamp," Congress is set to vote on a budget that will "Drain our Wallets". Ron Paul discusses the nefarious process of coming up with the federal budget, along with the Fed's role in its constant expansion. It also looks like S

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The Federal Reserve has been counterfeiting dollars at a rapid pace. Amazingly, they want prices to rise faster (how nice of them). Well, they're ultimately going to get what they want. Ron Paul tackles the great enabler of big government on today's

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We've apparently reached another presidential election. It's a time when many believe they're able to exercise a say in what happens with the government. Yet, despite all prior campaign promises and votes cast, Americans are (once again) disgusted wi

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Many believe that there's a big difference between Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton on trade issues. But is there? Ron Paul gets to the truth on this week's edition of Myth-Busters.

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As Hillary Clinton calls millions of Americans "irredeemable" and "deplorable," Ron Paul explains why those terms apply to American politics itself. Gang warfare and a sprawling government enforcer wasn't supposed to be the fate of the "land of the f