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Article Image, by Jacob G. Hornberger

Imagine life in 1850 America. Even though many people support slavery, there are a some people who are deeply concerned about it and opposed to it.

Article Image

NodeChampion at

As you know, the state and technocracy censors are working overtime to destroy as much communication freedom as possible. Totally decentralized Pocketnet stands as a Force for good in their way. More nodes are needed to weather this storm.

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Swatek
Article Image, Aaron & Melissa Dykes

No, it's not God. It's Bill Gates, and it would appear he's a major player in picking up the pieces in what is unfolding to become perhaps our greatest modern disaster – economically, in terms of our freedom, in terms of the greater strategy

Article Image, by Jacob G. Hornberger

One of the downsides to socialism is that it inculcates a mindset of dependency on government largess not only within the minds of dole recipients but also among other people.
