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Mass Shootings

Article Image, by: JD Heyes

(Natural News) For the longest time, I believed that the primary reason why the so-called "mainstream media" could never get its reporting right when it came to guns -- how they work, what they are and are not capable of, even correctly identify

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Gary North - Public School Control

The murder of 17 innocent high school students in Parkland, Florida reminds us that public schools are dangerous. Too dangerous for children.

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Strangely, not one of them questioned why a school would have 4,000 students or wondered how a school of that size could ever be anything but a big bureaucracy that follows the rules but misses important nuances, variables, signs, and clues.

Article Image By catherine lucey

President Donald Trump struck a solemn tone Thursday after the deadly school shooting in Florida, describing a "scene of terrible violence, hatred and evil" and promising to "tackle the difficult issue of mental health," but avoiding any mention of g

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A video has surfaced that appears to show an interview with a student witness to the Feb. 14, 2018 Parkland High School shooting in Florida. No specific source can be determined for the video and therefore its legitimacy is questionable. If legitimat

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