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Immigration Forum

The U.S., based on international law, defines "refugee" as a person outside the country of his or her nationality, who is unable or unwilling to return to that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution based on his or h

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Responsibly reporting on violent crime committed by refugees is one of the hardest things for a news organization to get right. A national broadcaster's decision not to cover one such murder caused Jörg Luyken to take a closer look.

Article Image, by Chris Menahan

New asylum rules approved by the GOP majority and Democrat minority House Appropriations Committee would give the right to migrate to the United States to a foreign population at least half the size of the American Midwest.

Article Image, Gordon Duff

It's late July, 2018. In the Middle East, 800 men and their families are heading for Western Europe, Canada and the US, to be resettled as refugees.

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Nick Giambruno: The migrant crisis is tearing Europe apart. What's your take Doug? Doug Casey: I'm all for immigration and completely open borders to enable opportunity seekers from anyplace to move anyplace else. With two big, critically impo

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A good deal of my life has been spent in a half-conscious search for places where a healthy person could function as a healthy person: places where health was accepted rather than resented, where it didn't have to be hidden.