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Veterans and Veterans Affairs

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Article Image, by Erica Moshtahedian

For those of us who came of age in the aftermath of September 11 and the wars that followed, a new book "River City One" by first-time author John Waters provides a reprieve from glamorized, military-style leadership guides...

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Homefront Battle Buddies

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit building a community to serve America's Veterans. We are developing our organization to facilitate all manners of alternative therapies, support homeless Veterans, provide benefits consulting, and a range of critical se

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Here's a crowdsourced documentary featuring many U.S. veterans and newly discharged soldiers who are now reporting for duty to defend our country. This video was released on September 22. Here's the statement that we posted with it:

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"People who, from a young age, have devoted themselves to hard military service, as a rule, find it difficult to adapt to new conditions," wrote Kalinichev in Russian news publication Independent Military Review. "Social and psychological adapt

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