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United States

Article Image by Andrew P. Napolitan

The governors of all 50 states, and the mayors of many large cities, have assumed unto themselves the powers to restrict private personal choices and lawful public behavior in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Article Image by Paul Craig Roberts

Most Americans are too removed from reality to be aware of the peril that they are in. Critical Race Theory, an anti-white doctrine designed to produce revolution in the United States in order to overthrow "white rule," has long held sway in the

Article Image By Karen Kwiatkowski

Masochistic statism, its twin handmaidens to the left and right – those who war against us for the world, and those who war against the world for us – has come alive.

Article Image by Charles Hugh Smith

Not only have the billionaire class made money, they have tightened their monopolistic grip on the levers of money supply and distribution, turning a global rigged casino into a global company town.

Article Image by Tyler Durden

A new study for the US Air Force argues that a large-scale adversarial drone swarm attack could be classified as a "weapon of mass destruction" (WMD), a term commonly used to describe chemical, biological, or radioactive weapon capable of causing wid