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Chickens and Turkeys

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Article Image by Epic Gardening

Join Jacques and I as we build a protective and productive orchard in the outdoor run for Jacques' chickens! This experiment should protect his hens from birds of prey while throwing a ton of fruit out over the next few years!

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Homesteading Family

Learn how to safely pressure can raw chicken in this step-by-step tutorial. Having home-canned chicken on your pantry shelf means you have easy last-minute meals at your fingertips!

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English Country Life -

This video tracks how chicks develop in their first 3 weeks after hatching. Their size and care needs change significantly over this period of time, and most significantly their mobility. They start with very restricted mobility and in 3 weeks can us

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English Country Life -

We breed Buff Orpington chickens using broody hens for a number of years. Over those years we've observed chicken language. It's not a sophisticated language but there is a combination of body language and sounds that make for a very effective, albei

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SmarterEveryDay -

Life is Amazing. Seeing this touched me and I wanted to share it with you. This amazing display showing a live chicken embryo was at the Exploratorium in San Francisco:

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Homesteading Family

During the spring and summer months, when your egg-laying chickens are giving you about an egg per day, you can really build up an excess of eggs. Don't throw them out or give them away, use them up or preserve them for those months when the chickens

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Natures Always Right

Today at I'm Mayfield Pastures in Decatur TN run by Charles Mayfield. This farm is a diversified animal pasture operation raising cattle, chickens, pigs, and turkeys. Regenerating soil and growing incredibly healthy happy animals for their customers.

Article Image - Natures Always Right

Check out the two awesome mobile chicken coops over at Beechgrove Farm in Seymour Tennessee. One is for egg layers, that has rain water collection and a great egg collecting system. The other is for broilers and very inexpensive and simple to make. G

Home Grown Food