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Article Image, Eric Eissler

Tax season is ramping up in the United States and Uncle Sam is looking to get his cut from the cryptocurrency pie; that is a slice of your profits. Last year was hot for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and most all altcoins. With amazing percentage gain

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I walked into Jay's expecting to find Johnny to be his usual gregarious self. And he was, so long as he was greeting people at the bar. Once we sat by ourselves in the restaurant, however, he changed.

Article Image, Nick Tomaino

San Francisco-based Blockstream is arguably the most important and misunderstood company in the Bitcoin world.

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This week the Republican Senate candidate Austin Petersen announced he accepted the largest federal election campaign contribution settled in digital currency. Petersen, a former Libertarian, has received a total of 24 cryptocurrency donations this y

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The bitcoin space is a constant battle of truth versus untruth, rumor versus fact and optimism versus pessimism. With market manipulators up to their usual tricks and salty altcoiners crying FUD, it can be hard to tell what's real and what's fake