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http://RealityReport.TV | | Gary sits down with Michael Boldin, the founder of the Tenth Amendment Center, to discuss the upcoming Nullify Now Tour and how people can take back their rights with the tenth amendment. http


http://RealityReport.TV | | Gary sits down with Michael Boldin, the founder of the Tenth Amendment Center, to debate the history of the Bill of Rights, the second amendment and why the Constitution stressed the importanc

RealityReport.TV | Gary Franchi speaks about filling the void in America and where the power lies. Recorded by: at Midwest Liberty Fest.

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In this edition, Gary blows off some steam taking a look at Obama's agenda at the Toronto G20 Conference as protesters burn police cars. He also sits down with Kurt Wallace to discuss the national tour. Michael Boldin, founder of the

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Did the U.S. abandon land in Arizona? Why is the Department of Homeland Security deploying agents to the U.K? Would you put an digital add on your license plate? Is Janet Napolitano using terrorists as an excuse to invade your internet privacy? Are y

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What is unifying the freedom movement? Who are the biggest names at this years Bilderberg Conference? How is Barack Obama spinning the numbers on unemployment rates? Is the United States a few years away from a Greek-like economic meltdown? Who is re

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Why is Chris Matthews attacking the Tea Party? Are the recent events in China, Israel, and Korea signs of the next World War? Why are L.A. Police officers attacking bike riders? Are you holding a “Don’t Tread On Me” movie screening? Are biometrics so

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Why do lawmakers really want to pass the Arizona Immigration Bill? Should the government be allowed to remove American citizenship? Why is the federal government trying to take land from an elderly Vermont farmer? Is the United States become a social