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Ron Paul Says...

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The year 2011 brings in a host of opportunities and challenges to America. Will we accelerate toward economic insolvency by continuing the policies that have created this crisis, or will a new Congress elected on the energy of the Tea Party movement

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Republican Rep. Ron Paul, known for bucking his party in favor of his libertarian principles, says there's a chance he'll make another run for the presidency.

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Sarge Friday

Ron Paul's refrain is that he is in fact the real conservative. This is far, correction, tremendously far from the truth. Ron Paul is an extremist, and a phony conservative. People get the false idea that libertarians like Dr. Paul are the same as co

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DailyBell/Ron Paul

The growing revolt against invasive TSA practices is encouraging to Americans who are fed up with federal government encroachment in their lives. In the case of air travelers, this encroachment is quite literally physical.

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Last week's midterm elections have been characterized as a victory for grassroots Americans who are fed up with Washington and the political status quo. In particular, the elections are being touted as a clear indicator that voters demand reductions

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E-mail from RonPaulGraphics Yahoo! Group

"What happens if my concerns are completely unfounded? Nothing. But what happens if my concerns are justified and ignored? Nothing good."
