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General Opinion

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Whenever you see the "we should do this" or "we should do that" in the public media, it is always followed by something that is idiotic or immoral. Usually both. The modern era is no exception.

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By Martin Armstrong Armstrong Economics

The Yellow Vest anti-government movement (#YellowVests, #GiletsJaunes) began in France on November 17, 2018, when over 300,000 people across France protested a carbon tax on fuel. President Emmanuel Macron claimed the French were leading the world in

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It takes a certain brilliance to come out of nowhere and win a seat in Congress with only 16,000 votes and then instantly propel yourself to the national stage. Freedom lovers and free marketers, as well as those Republicans who are neither, should

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During President Trump's latest State of The Union speech, he stated that "America will never be a socialist country." However, America is bankrupt precisely because of the massive Socialist policies that it already has. The president then went on to

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By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture

Cold War 2.0 has hit South America with a bang - pitting the US and expected minions against the four key pillars of in-progress Eurasia integration: Russia, China, Iran and Turkey.

Article Image by Georgy Zotov

"Insolent American Bastards Should Be Hanged On The First Tree" This is the personal view of the correspondent on today's life of Caracas. Translated by Scott

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Authoritarian movements, both from the left and the right, are on the rise again around the world. In an age where the process of creative destruction takes place faster than ever before, people look for help, for someone to finally make sense of the

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By Paul Craig Roberts

The article below by Gilbert Doctorow echos my own expressed apprehensions about Putin's extraordinary restraint in the face of extraordinary provocations. I admire Putin for his restraint, which is totally missing among his Western counterparts. N

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Jacob Hornberger

It is supremely ironic. To respond to the dictatorial mindset and policies of Venezuelan ruler Nicolas Maduro, President Trump has adopted his own dictatorial mindset and policies. Trump obviously believes that the way to fight foreign dictatorship i

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Have we reached "peak Trump"? Is there no way out of the swamp? Former Reagan Administration senior official David Stockman joins today's Liberty Report to discuss his upcoming book, Peak Trump: The Undrainable Swamp and the Fantasy of MAGA.

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Another week, another set of scandals at Facebook and Google. This past week, my colleagues reported that Facebook and Google had abused Apple enterprise developer certificates in order to distribute info-scraping research apps, at times from underag
