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General Opinion

Article Image by Bill Buppert

Publisher's Note: If you've been following the latest on the tariff nonsense, you will note that the Mango Emperor is doubling down on taxing Americans, again. It may be Make American Government Gargantuan Again Taxpayer, MAGGOT, instead of MAGA.

Article Image By Craig Cantoni

Somedays, I think that a Soviet-like command economy might be better than our market economy, even with the gulags, bread lines, and state media, where propaganda and ballet were the main offerings.

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How do dictators like Kim, Hitler, Stalin or Mao increase or maintain their power, while eliminating dissent, over their people?

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Not because I think an asteroid is going to wipe us all out or that Skynet is actually coming to fruition (it is!) or that aliens are going to take over the planet or that a pandemic will kill 99% of us.

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

Intuitively, we all know there are benefits to cooking at home. You can use healthier ingredients, set portions to a reasonable size, avoid food allergies, and of course you can save money compared to ordering restaurant delivery or using a meal kit

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Jacob Hornberger-Future Freedom Foundation

Suppose my neighbor acquired a bazooka and stored it in his home. He doesn't say anything. He doesn't threaten me with it. I ask him, "John, why have you acquired that bazooka?" He responds, "Just in case you decide to attack me and my fami

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(Natural News) The radical Left -- which now controls tech giants like Google and Facebook -- can't win any debate (or elections) based on facts or logic, so they resort to brazen censorship to silence all opposing views in the hopes of dominatin

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What will be the long-lasting fallout from the Trump/Kim meeting? Peace? Or will the neocons and the Washington Post establishment publications manage to undermine any efforts to steer us away from total war? Tune in to the Liberty Report: