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Climate Change

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Al Gore and the United Nations have a bitter pill to swallow, but given their religious zeal for self-deception, it is likely they will ignore and then bury this report. Since Technocrat life centers around their 'razor-sharp' science, they canno

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V. Saxena of Western Journalism reports that during an appearance Sunday on CNN's State of the Union, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., issued what appeared to be a repudiation of President Donald Trump's views and policies on climate change.

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The BoM said it had taken immed­iate action to replace the Thredbo station after concerns were raised that very low temperatures were not making it onto the official record. Controversy has dogged the bureau's automatic weather station network sin

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The BoM said it had taken immed­iate action to replace the Thredbo station after concerns were raised that very low temperatures were not making it onto the official record. Controversy has dogged the bureau's automatic weather station network sin

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Strange things have been happening in the frozen tundra of northern Siberia. Last August a boy died of anthrax in the remote Yamal Peninsula, and 20 other infected people were treated and survived. Anthrax hadn't been seen in the region for 75 year