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MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

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The media herd has always committed an astonishing degree of statistical malpractice, but it has become even more acute in their coverage of COVID-19. Something is clearly amiss with journalism schools. Or is it a problem of reporters being too laz

Article Image, By Steve Hall

There has been a drastic change in the climate at Fox News. We used to think of them as a counter-balance to the "mainstream media"; an alternative perspective, with "balance" and yes, with a healthy dose of skepticism about all things gover

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Ever since the start of the coronavirus crisis, my wife and I have been turning on Bloomberg News at 5:30 AM Pacific time to watch it during our morning exercise, even though watching it is bad for our indigestion and mental health.

Article Image by Tim Hartnett

The woman on the street can have a hard time understanding what some journalists think free speech is these days. Craig Aaron is the president and CEO of an organization known as "Free Press".