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Fox via Liberty Pulse

There is no question that under the present law, Congress simply cannot pick and choose which “persons” to whom it will afford social benefits and to which “persons” it will not. How could the president not have known that?

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Thursday marks the two hundred and twenty-second anniversary of the signing of the greatest peace document ever struck by the hand of mankind. The United States Constitution promotes peace through its restraint of government violence. History shows

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During an interview regarding obamas healthcare Governor Tim Pawlenty is asked for his thoughts. A brief clip is then shown of Tim Pawlenty, Governor of Minnesota wherein he refers to the plans of obama and says there might be a case to use the 10th Amendment. Some background on Governor Pawlenty: As Governor, he has balanced Minnesota's budget three times without raising taxes, despite facing record budget deficits. Governor Pawlenty's most notable accomplishments include proposing and signing into law significant new benefits for veterans and members of the military; enacting a property tax cap, eliminating the marriage penalty and cutting taxes; toughening the state's education standards; reforming the way teachers are paid through a nation-leading performance pay plan; instituting free-market health care reforms that increase accountability and provide tax credits to encourage the use of health savings accounts; and implementing a plan to Americanize our energy sou

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We Are Change appears on the surface to be a liberty minded group. But don’t judge a book by it’s cover. I for one also maintain that 911 was a inside job.

I am opposed to any and all who are propping up enemies of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. We Are Change is doing just that and more. This is a fact as their endorsed support of Ed Asner who is opposed to gun ownership and is also a devoted socialist. Ed Asner advocates gun control, Asner was also a signatory to the 2002 Not In Our Name petition organized by C. Clark Kissinger and the Revolutionary Communist Party.

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I am opposed to any and all who are propping up enemies of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. We Are Change is doing just that and more. This is a fact as their endorsed support of Ed Asner who is opposed to gun ownership and is also a devoted socialist. Ed Asner advocates gun control, Asner was also a signatory to the 2002 Not In Our Namepetition organized by C. Clark Kissinger and the Revolutionary Communist Party.  

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America has a darkness, a darkness on the edge of our liberties and that darkness now operates out of Washington DC, the White House specifically. President B. Hussein Obama has the darkness of the czars wrapped around him as if they were the shrouds of war, the war upon America. As Americans we are obligated to take a very close look at the minions B. Hussein Obama surrounds himself with and then determine if Dear Leader is committing crimes against America and is in violation of his oath of office, to uphold and defend the Constitution. HR 2749 creates severe criminal and civil penalties, including prison terms of up to 10 years and/or fines of up to $100,000 for each violation. Does it include judicial review, Congressional oversight, a defined and limited set of penalties and punishments for a defined set of “crimes”? Not even. The so called Food Safety Bill hands carte blanch enforcement to the whims of Obama’s Food Czar. Although I am in favor of fining hippies and putting

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Gary Franchi-Restore The Republic

JFK and we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings, for we are opposed around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, that relies primarily on covet means, for expanding its sphere of influence.  

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Next Wednesday the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a rare second round of oral arguments in the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. At issue is the documentary Hillary: The Movie, which was produced by the conservative group Citizens United and intended for distribution before the 2008 elections. As Justice Stephen Breyer noted during the first round of arguments back in March, the film "is not a musical comedy." It's a 90-minute political harangue attacking Clinton's ideas and character. In other words, it's exactly the sort of controversial political speech the First Amendment was written and ratified to protect. Yet under the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (also known as the McCain-Feingold Act), which bars corporations and non-profit organizations from sponsoring "any broadcast, cable, or satellite communication" that mentions a candidate in a federal campaign within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of a general election, C

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I found this over at The Golden Truth but he had a lousy title so I didn't think many would read it since most are aware now that there are plans in the works so I retitled it to bring it to your attention since the article resonated with me what do you think? First Amendment Killer? My view on this is that the Government is getting more concerned about the growing unrest with the Government's failure to reign in the growing corruption in our banking and political systems and is looking for ways to limit the dissemination of information to the public by cutting off Internet access. Given the low probability of terrorism from sources external to the country, I would suspect that this means that the Government is increasingly concerned about how the public would respond to another massive banking crisis. Please note that the Patriot Act enables to the President to regard banking and financial market disruptions as "security threats." Caution...

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The Examiner

Fiercely independent and thoroughly horrified at the blatantly unconstitutional explosion of federal tyranny into every aspect of our lives, Texans are set to march on the state capitol in droves on Saturday. They will be delivering a million-strong petition to their elected officials based on the 10th Amendment, demanding an immediate constitutional confrontation with Washington. If they are turned away or their concerns inadequately addressed, organizer Gerry Donaldson says they "will be forced to call for a vote for secession." This will not be the last time a state openly defies Obama's treasonous war on the Constitution. Donaldson, who runs his own Internet radio show, says they are "calling for an orderly process that will allow our federal government to fall back in line with the Constitution." He continued, "Either we will restore America, we will live in a Marxist dictatorship, or we will secede and start over again."

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The Hill

The overreaching of the federal government is pushing the U.S. towards a revolution, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) said today. "People are not buying these concepts that are completely foreign to America," Inhofe said at a townhall in Chickasaw, Okla. "We're almost reaching a revolution in this country." Inhofe has been one of the Senate's most strident opponents of climate legislation and healthcare reform. Inhofe added that he didn't need to read the full helathcare legislation before deciding to vote against it. Public opinion and news reports, he said, provided all the information he needed. "I don't have to read it, or know what's in it," Inhofe said. "I'm going to oppose it anyways." Most of the versions of healthcare legislation making their away through congress are about 1,000 pages long.

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Freedom Fighter

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall NOT be violated…”Checkpoint USA is dedicated to confronting those who would place roadblocks in the path of free individuals and to exposing the police state - one checkpoint at a time.  

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