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Future Predictions

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I'm sure there will be some shocking events in 2018, but I have no idea what they will be. There are too many wildcards in the mix, with one big one taking center stage: States.

Article Image, by The Element Group

Cryptocurrency market observers will remember 2017 as the year of the ICO boom, bitcoin's hard fork(s), cryptokitties, a few major hacks, and the time when every single dinner party swayed towards talking about the price of bitcoin at some point or

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I firmly believe that politics and politicians are NOT the answer--no matter who is in the White House (including the current occupant) or which party controls Congress. A return to the principles of Natural Law, a return to Reformation preaching (a

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Dearest Ernest, After many years of joyous conversations, speculations and reservations, your latest post and assessment has drawn me out from behind my hidden screen and compelled me to walk through the "wardrobe closet" (Narnia) that you travel

Letters to the Editor • Global
Article Image, By Finian Cunningham

Like a good wine, Russian President Vladimir Putin's famous speech delivered in Munich 10 years ago regarding global security has been rewarded with time.

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It's difficult for me to argue whether humanity's future is a cup half empty or full when it's sitting at the bottom of the Marianas Trench in an ocean of opportunity. And while we are thinking in 3 dimensional terms, look up.