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Economy - International

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Article Image, by Michael Every

Tipping points are funny things in markets and in life in general. Sometimes you see them clearly ahead of time, sometimes only in hindsight. Sometimes you still don't see them even afterwards. But they are there regardless.

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Well Friday was fun. Big nasty drop and a vicious rally back up. Standard script right? After all we've all become accustomed to drops not lasting more than a few hours or days no matter what happens in the world.

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The mainstream are framing the rise of China as a competitor to the US in the same terms as they did the Cold War with the Soviet Union. And, just as the Cold War was a charade facilitated by lend lease and technology transfers, so, too, is the New C

Article Image, by Sven Henrich

The first round in the Thunderdome goes to bulls as another hopium based rally emerged driven by relief headlines. First on the news that Hong Kong tensions appeared to defuse and then of course another trade optimism inspired ramp triggered by the n

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Zero Hedge - Tyler Durden

It's not a secret: OPEC has painted itself into a corner by relying exclusively on supply control to be able to manipulate international oil prices in a way that is favorable for its members.