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2008. We had almost as many manic up days back then as crazy down days. Remember how we were saved when Fannie and Freddie got put into conservatorship? Remember how all was good when AIG was taken over by the government? Then we sold off the day tha

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Christine Smith's blog

In communities across the country we’re hearing “Remember 9-11.” Open the paper, tune the radio station, or flick the channels – the same old 9-11 nonsense is being spouted.

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The Smart Grid is being used to promote green energy/clean energy/renewable energy. Because global warming (climate change) has been so thoroughly discredited, global warming policies and regulations are now being forced on us under the banner of gr

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Apparently some wars are “holy” and can’t be argued against. All I want is to prevent 18 year old kids from dying. That’s the basis of my argument. We can argue all the history we want after that. No matter what the war is, I will never send my...

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The study involved young adults. The more debt incurred by those in the 18-27 age group, the higher their self-esteem and the more in control they felt, according to researchers. But older respondents, in the 28-34 age group, voiced more stress...

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Our descendents will surely look back on this time and wonder how we could have been so foolish– to let these people rob our freedoms; destroy our economies; kill foreigners on their home soil; and shower themselves with Peace Prize medals…

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The government has created another reality for us proles. We won again. Us white hats got the black hat, just like in the western movie. Fantasy is better than fact, and us good guys are on a roll. It makes everybody happy...

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What's next? Hint: You won't like the answer. - blame Pakistan for harboring Bin Laden, sanctions on Pakistan, seizing Pakistan's nuclear weapons.

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