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Precious Metals

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As previously reported, the final pretrial conference in my nine year running civil rights lawsuit against several Tohono O'odham police officers for conducting an illegal checkpoint operation in December of 2002 was held on March 19, 2012.

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The Jiangsu Xin Chang Jiang Group, one of the top 20 private enterprises in China, distributed 300 kilograms of gold and 300 kilograms of silver last Saturday to the nearly 3,000 residents of Changjiang Village. The village also gave each househol

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Knowledge and tools of chemistry are improving all the time. Nanotech might cause some breakthrough, and biotech has some potential for making great leaps forward in environmentally friendly resource extraction.

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There remains no real resolution to the sovereign debt issues in many European countries. We’re certainly not spending less money in the US, and now we’re bailing out Europe via currency swaps with the European Central Bank. Shouldn’t gold be rising?

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"Just like Wall Street got a hold of your friendly neighborhood home through the sale of CDO’s and the juicing of the credit bubble, they can and are getting a hold of commodities and precious metals."

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Gold was set for its biggest one-day fall in three months on Monday, under pressure from a robust dollar, which in turn choked off demand from consumers in key regions such as India. Last week's summit of European Union leaders yielded a historic

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12/08/11 Silver is an amazing metal…which is why it’s likely to soar over the coming years… You see, silver has more than 10,000 uses. It’s one of the world’s best conductors of heat and electricity.