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LAT Blog / Andrew Malcolm

You can still vote for him, the campaign wants you to understand. But you won't get any yard signs while they might do any good. They say they're running low on hats and T-shirts "Only a few boxes left," reports Shane Cory.

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A McCain “adviser” told CNN: “She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone.” Imagine not taking advice from the geniuses at the McCain campaign. What could Palin be thinking?Also, a “top McCain adviser” told Politico that Palin is “a whack job.” Ma

News Link • Global Reported By Chip Saunders
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There is a real danger that, unaddressed, the frustration of choosing between a Communist illegal alien raised by a Communist sex pervert and a POW traitor who is a Soviet front man could lead to an epidemic of Acid Reflux Disease or even an outbreak

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The Lippard Blog - Al Jazzera

This is no doubt not a representative cross-section of McCain and Palin supporters, but it's a disturbingly ugly set of them. It's fortunate that most of the worst comments are from the older generation--I hope that younger people are less li

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Just who is the “Hate America” crowd”? According to Barack Obama, he didnt' have a clue about a single one of them. DBKP takes a look at the bubble Obama’s been operating in since the 1990’s in regards to some of his associates–some of the most

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AP (audio)

Conservative bloggers and websites have been flogging it, and now John McCain's campaign has put its imprimatur on it: a newly disclosed radio interview in which Democratic rival Barack Obama talks about the redistribution of wealth.

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While the McCain campaign is doing everything it can to distance itself from the presidency of George W. Bush, “SNL” still managed to imagine how an endorsement from the commander-in-chief would go...

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