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Economy - Economics USA

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The economic slump, however, is forcing debt-laden cities, towns and smaller taxing districts throughout the U.S. to consider using Chapter 9. As their revenue declines faster than expenses, some public entities are scrambling...

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Uncommon Sense

Today’s labor department job report shows initial claims for unemployment benefits increased 31,000 to 473,000. There are now approximately 14,577,800 officially unemployed Americans. That is almost 9 million jobs lost since mid 2007. Further ag

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Judge Napolitano interviews famous Gerald Celente and he gives us his views on the Greece financial default, as well as the ultimate fate of the European Union, as well as the fate of the United States.

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The globe has lost half of its wealth and associated credit. Please sit down and consider that for a while. This means that no loans can be profitably called. All bank assets are technically under water. That means that their capital base is really z

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NY Times

Wall Street banks have taken billions of taxpayer dollars. Now some of them are starting to wonder if they should give the money back. Banking executives worry that the government may intrude further into their businesses as long as they are beholden

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Wall Street Journal

As Sacramento squabbles over the state's $42 billion deficit, Californians are getting a bitter taste of what's to come after the steep budget cuts that are inevitable when legislators and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger finally hammer out a deal.

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Mark Yannone

The intended consequences of the federal government's economic stimulus plan are almost too great for Peter Schiff to forecast.