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Law Enforcers or Peace Officers

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Jonathan Turley

This goes beyond shocking. Sure, in some warped romantic spy-novel sort of way, we've come to expect such places for foreign terrorists to be tortured and held away from prying eyes, but not here, not on American soil, not in Chicago.

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by William N. Grigg (Pro Liberate)

"Once they charge you with something you don't know what the outcome will be, even if you're innocent," Mark commented, shortly after being acquitted "Once they stick a hook in you, you don't know if you'll get off it."

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Simple Justice

Peace Officer is a feature documentary about the increasingly militarized state of American police as told through the story of William "Dub" Lawrence, a former sheriff who established and trained his rural state's first SWAT team only to see t

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Simple Justice

When it's a regular perp, caught as quickly as possible, immediately convicted by press conference and smeared with whatever available. When the perp is a cop, they immediately start screaming about rush to judgment, time to investigate