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Off Grid Living - Survival Prepping

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The intent of this article is to act as an introduction with some thoughts and primers for moving your family or group in high threat environments...this is directed at those who find they have to move locations after a significant societal collapse

Article Image, by Allen C.

I may as well go ahead and apologize to anyone who is already offended by my title without apologizing for offending you. I do not actually hate preppers. I'm just fed up with them.

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Individual countries might be able to provide energy for each of their citizens with cheap or even free energy but then the people are dependent on the government for energy.

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The battle between slavery and freedom is very much a contest of tactics, ideas, and willpower. Much like a chess game, it can be very useful to occasionally "turn the board around," to see what the battlefield looks like to your opponent.

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The challenge for the 21st century requires a re-invention of thinking as much as a technological replacement of the alternative current system of connection to the electric grid.

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I have thought about what the world would be like if our energy were free, required no fuel to produce, was created where and when needed, all without requiring batteries for storage.

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Sus­tain­able con­sump­tion? Recon­fig­uring busi­nesses, infra­struc­ture and insti­tu­tions? What do these words mean? They do not mean merely reshuf­fling the existing order, but rather replacing it with a com­pletely new eco­nomic system, one tha

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Not all is grim and dark; a movement is quietly and quickly building on the net that you might not know about yet. Instead of waiting for some giant corporation to eventually mass-produce some half-ass energy product, folks are just building their o

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The Schumer has hit the fan. Hyperinflation has crushed the economy, an EMP has disabled the United States, or some other disaster has brought TEOTWAWKI. And you’re not ready.

Article Image, by Eric Peters

When people talk about “preps” they’re usually talking about things like ammunition and food – both of which, obviously, are good things to keep handy in the event the SHTF.

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Whether you want to call them cabins, transportables, or portable domes, we offer features never before offered in concrete domes; reduced weight, modular design, extensive possibilities

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Shannon Bardwell

You've probably been waiting to see what the Lehman's Non-Electric catalog, mentioned in my last column, has to offer. In 1955 Jay Lehman's goal was to provide authentic products to Amish communities and others who want to live simply, with or wit
