IPFS Stephen Lendman

More About: Russia

Russia's OPCW Envoy Slams the Agency

Russia's OPCW Envoy Slams the Agency

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org - Home - Stephen Lendman)

The OPCW long ago abandoned its mandate to promote and verify adherence to the Chemical Weapons Convention - in service to US-led Western interests.

It's biased reports on Syria lack credibility. Washington weaponized the agency, using it as a tool against its adversaries, notably Syria and Russia.

On Friday, Russia's envoy to the OPCW Alexander Shulgin minced no words, accusing the agency of hostility toward Moscow, saying:

It's involvement in determining responsibility for CW use is "directed against Russia," wanting its findings to "be maximally detrimental and painful for Russia."

The US-led Western goal isn't limited to OPCW work in Syria. It's "main effort (is) directed against Russia."

The politicized organization operates as a "quasi-protection body" for Western interests. "This has nothing to do with" its Chemical Weapons Convention mandate.

OPCW missions in Syria "d(idn't) go to (alleged) incident sites. They investigate from (a) distance and make their conclusions on the basis of materials from social networks and data provided by various biased NGOs and by the Syrian opposition" - including the al-Qaeda-connected White Helmets, terrorists, not civil defense workers.

So-called fact-finding OPCW missions ignore evidence provided by Russia and Syria. It conflicts with fabricated findings it wants to report.

Instead of fulfilling its Chemical Weapons Convention mandate, its fact-finding missions "over-represents experts from countries known as 'Friends of Syria' " - opposed to Bashar al-Assad.

"Serious concerns about (OPCW) impartiality are raised by the fact that both leaders of (its) mission (in Syria) were Britons. They probably (were appointed to) mak(e) 'right conclusions,' " Shulgin stressed.

Separately, he explained that Russia has updated intelligence on planned false flag CW incidents in Idlib province - to be wrongfully blamed on Assad like numerous times before.

Information "comes constantly," Shulgin added. Names of terrorist leaders involved are known, and how many barrels of toxic chlorine they possess.

In meetings with the OPCW's Technical Secretariat, Shulgin explained what's planned - violating the Russian/Turkish-established buffer zone in Idlib.

US-supported terrorists could launch their attack(s) at "any moment," he said. Earlier Russian intelligence learned one or more staged incidents are coming. It's just a matter of when and precisely where.

US, UK and French forces are poised to attack Syrian targets when ordered, their nearby naval forces to be possibly involved, especially if a massive attack is planned, a false flag CW incident the pretext, one of the oldest belligerent stunts in the book, fooling no one despite how often used.

Trump regime hardliners want war in Syria continued endlessly, intending to use invented pretexts to sabotage resolution.

The US plans permanent occupation of Syrian territory it controls, regime change its ultimate objective, aiming to isolate Iran and pursue the same aim.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

