IPFS Stephen Lendman

More About: MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

Fake News Proliferator NYT Mocks Real News Broadcaster RT

Fake News Proliferator NYT Mocks Real News Broadcaster RT

by Stephen Lendman

The Times is America's leading proliferator of state-sponsored propaganda - providing press agent services for powerful interests, journalism the way it's supposed to be off-the-table on its pages, why relying on it assures being misinformed.

The Times asked if RT is "more BBC or KGB." Of course, it's neither. It produces real news and information, not fake news and misinformation like The Times, BBC and other media scoundrels - paid to lie, not inform.

The Times: "(M)any Western countries regard RT as the slickly produced heart of a broad, often covert disinformation campaign designed to sow doubt about democratic institutions and destabilize the West."

Fact: It's an effective antidote to Western propaganda. It reaches around 50 million unique users monthly worldwide - via television, online and mobile devices.

"It's a world leader among non-Anglo-Saxon international TV news channels," it explains - for a good reason, because millions of people want real news and information, not rubbish media scoundrels like The Times feature.

The Times: "Western attention focused on RT when the Obama administration and United States intelligence agencies judged with 'high confidence' in January that Mr. Putin had ordered a campaign to 'undermine public faith in the US democratic process,' discredit Hillary Clinton through the hacking of Democratic Party internal emails and provide support for Donald J. Trump, who as a candidate said he wanted to improve relations with Russia."

Fact: Intelligent news consumers know with 100% confidence that no Russian US election hacking occurred, no interference in America's process. Its intelligence community lied - yet to release a shred of evidence backing its baseless claim because none exists.

The Times: RT's "unifying character…is a deep skepticism of Western and American narratives of the world and a fundamental defensiveness about Russia and Mr. Putin."

Fact: Millions worldwide rely on RT for truth-telling, what Western media consistently spurn.

The Times: RT has "minuscule rating numbers."

Fact: It growing viewership exceeds most other international broadcasters. RT is gaining exposure at their expense.

The Times: "RT and Sputnik (News) create the fodder for thousands of fake news propagandors (sic) and provide another outlet for hacked material that can serve Russian interests" - citing hawkish neocon Atlantic Council member Ben Nimmo.

Fact: Proliferators of fake news like The Times denigrate real news producers like RT and other alternative sources because they're gaining audience numbers.

The reason is simple. Growing numbers of people want truth-telling, not media scoundrel rubbish.

The Editors: "Whatever its impact, RT is unquestionably a case study in the complexity of modern propaganda."

Fact: For Times editors, truth-telling on major issues = propaganda. It's masthead should say: All the fake news unfit to print or read.

Times editors: "…RT and Sputnik are simply tools of a sophisticated Russian propaganda machine, created by the Kremlin to push its foreign policy, defend its aggression in Ukraine and undermine confidence in democracy, NATO and the world as we have known it."

Fact: If all media were like RT and Sputnik News, Western News consumers would understand hard truths about their rogue governments they're denied accurate information on from media scoundrels like The Times - defenders of ruthless power, not responsible critics.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.
