IPFS Stephen Lendman

More About: Obama Administration

Obama Vilifies Russia on ABC News Sunday

Obama Vilifies Russia on ABC News Sunday

by Stephen Lendman

His despicable record of endless wars of aggression, neoliberal harshness, thirdworldizing America, police state rule, and contempt for humanity will remain part of the historical record long after he's out of office.

He's using his waning days to do more harm than already, leaving office in a blaze of infamy - a rogue head of a pariah state, reviled worldwide for its villainy.

Fed softball questions on ABC News Sunday, he used the occasion for small talk, self-adulation and Russia bashing. Ignored was his record of genocidal high crimes against humanity - nothing asked, nothing explained.

He highlighted the fake news US intelligence community report, wrongfully claiming Russia hacked America's election - excluding any evidence proving it.

Obama: "Well, I think the report is very clear. Number one, the Russians sought to interfere with the election process - that the cyber hacking that took place by the Russians was part of that campaign, and that they had a clear preference in terms of outcomes."

"What I've repeatedly said is that you know, our intelligence communities spend a lot of time and effort gathering a lot of strands and a lot of data."

"(T)his time they've got high confidence,and having seen some of the underlying sources and information that they're basing this on I stand fully behind the report." 

Fact: No Russian hacking occurred. Information was leaked by one or more Democrat party insiders, angry over Hillary stealing her nomination.

Fact: No doubt Russia favored Trump over Hillary. So did 63 million Americans, millions more worldwide. Preferring one candidate over another isn't a criminal act.

Fact: The CIA, FBI and NSA concocted a fake news report, passing it off fraudulently as legitimate. Americans overwhelmingly rejected it. The report laid an egg.

Fact: Obama "stand(s) fully behind" a Big Lie. DNI head James Clapper admitted Russia had no effect on the election's outcome. No voting machines were tampered with, he explained.

Fact: After his Friday intelligence briefing, including classified material not publicly released, Trump emphatically said there was "absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election."

Obama: "Vladimir Putin (isn't) on our team. If we get to a point where people in this country feel more affinity with a leader who is an adversary and view the United States and our way of life as a threat to him, then we're gonna have bigger problems than just cyber hacking."

Fact: Putin is a democrat, a staunch supporter of world peace, stability, and mutual cooperation among all nations.

Fact: Obama is a soon to leave office rogue head of a pariah state; a warrior, not a peacemaker; a supporter of terrorism, not its adversary; a menace to humanity; a disgrace to the high office he's held for eight painfully long years.

He warned America's NATO allies with upcoming elections to be wary of (nonexistent) Russian interference, adding:

"(T)he Russians intended to meddle and they meddled. And it could be another country in the future."

As of January 9, he has 11 days left in office - plenty of time for whatever additional mischief he may have in mind.

A personal note: I wrote about Obama's deplorable US Senate voting record, his 2007-08 campaign for the White House, his promises made and broken, and election day 2008 when Chicago, his adopted home city, celebrated his triumph exuberantly. New year's eve came early.

My fears about what might lie ahead were underestimated. Who could have imagined an administration exceeding the worst of Bush/Cheney?

Who could have anticipated endless wars on humanity at home and abroad, the greatest wealth disparity in US history on his watch, a leader contemptuous of virtually everything he claimed to stand for.

It's Trump's turn now. Will he continue Obama's deplorable agenda or go a different way? Will he be a responsible leader or just another dirty politician? It's his choice to make.  

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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