IPFS Stephen Lendman

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Obama Vacation and Political Travel Costs Only a Billionaire Could Afford

Obama Vacation and Political Travel Costs Only a Billionaire Could Afford

by Stephen Lendman

His abuses of power include trillions of dollars for militarism and endless wars, thirdworldizing America, running it under a police state apparatus, while costing US taxpayers nearly $100 million for ultra-luxury vacation and unnecessary political travel during his tenure - unrelated to official government business.

Candidate Obama vowed to forego vacations if elected, saying "(t)he bargain that any president strikes is, you give me this office and in turn my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone."

"I am giving myself to you," the public. Like virtually all his other promises, he said one thing, then did another - a deplorable con man throughout his public life, notably as president, serving as America's deep state front man.

On December 29, Judicial Watch (JW) published his vacation and unnecessary political travel expenses, amounting to at least a whopping $97 million, including the cost of Secret Service protection and use of US air force planes - information obtained from two FOIA lawsuits. Here's what JW reported:

"Secret Service records reveal that Barack Obama's April 22, 2015, Earth Day trip to give a global warming speech in the Florida Everglades cost taxpayers $145,752.36, which brings the total cost of the trip to at least $1,012,367.76.

The Secret Service records for Obama's October 2015 fundraising travel to San Diego reveal expenses totaling $180,187.09. Including the US Air Force expenses, the total cost of Obama's San Diego trip was at least $2,181,655.99.

Michelle Obama's February 2016 ski trip to Aspen with her daughters cost taxpayers a total of $222,875.58. The Secret Service expenses were $165,806.78.  

Judicial Watch previously obtained records from the Air Force revealing that Michelle Obama's weekend trip to Aspen, Colorado, last year cost American taxpayers $57,068.80 in travel expenses alone for the 7.4-hour round-trip flight.

Judicial Watch obtained records from the US Air Force and the Secret Service revealing that Barack Obama's trip to Cuba and Argentina in March 2016 cost taxpayers $7,146,015.18 in Secret Service and Air Force travel expenses.

Air Force records regarding Michelle Obama's trip to Morocco, Spain and Liberia with her daughters in June 2016 revealed $450,026.40 in flight expenses alone. A C-32A was flown for 28.4 hours.

Judicial Watch recently obtained Air Force records which reveal that the Obama's August 2016 vacation to Martha's Vineyard cost taxpayers $450,295 in flight expenses alone.

Judicial Watch also recently obtained records from the Air Force showing that in July 2016 taxpayers paid $360,236 for Hillary Clinton to accompany Obama on Air Force One for a campaign trip to North Carolina.

Also, in October 2016 Michele Obama joined Hillary Clinton in North Carolina for a rally reportedly to 'encourage early voting in North Carolina.' 

Documents regarding this trip have been requested but have not yet been received. The First Lady typically flies in a C-32A so the 1.8 hour flight can safely be estimated to have cost taxpayers $28,522.80.

The Obamas' notorious abuse of presidential travel perks wasted military resources and stressed the Secret Service.  

'Judicial Watch estimates that the final costs of Obama's unnecessary vacation and political travel will well exceed $100 million,' said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton. 

'President-elect Trump can immediately save taxpayers money by reforming presidential travel.' "

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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