IPFS Stephen Lendman

More About: Trump Administration

NYT Claims Trump's Secretary of State Choice Tillerson "Capitulat(es) to Russian Interests*

NYT Claims Trump's Secretary of State Choice Tillerson "Capitulat(es) to Russian Interests"

by Stephen Lendman

On Monday, Trump tweeted "I will be making my announcement on the next Secretary of State tomorrow morning."

As widely reported, it's expected to be ExxonMobil chief Rex Tillerson, contentious Senate confirmation proceedings likely following because of the company's business dealings with Russia, and his close association with Putin.

NYT editors called his choice "tainted by suspicion that he's capitulating to Russian interests or those of the oil industry…" More on this below. 

Despite no prior public service, Tillerson established effective relationships with numerous world leaders, including throughout the oil-rich Middle East. Reports indicate Trump's transition team plans an aggressive PR campaign to get him confirmed.

Former defense secretary Robert Gates recommended him to Trump. Former secretaries of state James Baker and Condoleezaa Rice support him. So does Dick Cheney.

In a 2015 address, Tillerson said "(o)ne of the things I know about the Russian government: I'm very predictable. And they know if I say no it means no. And talking about it more isn't going to change that. No is still going to be no."

"Over the years we've earned each other's respect. Then when you say yes, you know we'll follow through. It means something."

Commenting on Tillerson's likely appointment, Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said "(a)s to the allegations of whether his attitude to the Russian Federation is good or bad: being secretary of state is very different from leading a company, even a very big one. Therefore, any, so to speak, sympathies become secondary."

"The only thing that remains here is readiness to demonstrate a constructive attitude and be professional. We are hoping that this is what will happen."

The New York Times is militantly anti-Trump, anti-Russia, anti-world peace and stability. Throughout the US 2015-16 political season, it provided press agent services for Hillary, one-sidedly supporting a despicable aspirant too dangerous for any public office.

Post-election, it continues denigrating Trump, publishing a daily drumbeat of vilification. In denouncing his expected choice of Tillerson for State, it called him "impervious to ethical standards," adding:

"By naming Mr. Tillerson, he risks burdening his administration with another appointee likely to ensure endless controversy."

He "has no background in diplomacy…And his relationship with Vladimir Putin…raises serious questions about whether he could manage Russia policy in a way that advances America's national interests."

Fact: "America's national interests" are permanent wars of aggression on humanity.

Fact: "America's national interests" should be supporting world peace, stability and security - anathema notions in Washington so far, The Times and other media scoundrels backing what demands denunciation.

Times editors disgracefully lied, claiming Putin "annex(ed) Crimea," wages war in eastern Ukraine, "destabilize(s) countries in Europe…bomb(s) civilians in Syria," and hacked America's election to benefit Trump.

"In naming Mr. Tillerson to lead the State Department and having Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as his national security adviser, Mr. Trump will have filled two top national security posts with pro-Russia apologists," they added.

I'm a proud "Russian apologist," supporting Putin's all-out efforts to resolve conflicts in Syria and Ukraine responsibly - unlike Times editors backing endless US wars of aggression.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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