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The 2016 Election's Over----The Battle For A Grand Realignment Begins

Despite Donald Trump's game display of counter-punching last night, the 2016 election campaign is over. The establishment media has destroyed his candidacy-----not by refuting a single issue in his indictment of the status quo but by destroying the entirety of his already flawed character.

But now comes the grand battle for political realignment. Hopefully it will start with a massive shift of voters to the third party candidates. That is, anti-government types should vote for Gary Johnson; left-wingers and environmentalists for Jill Stein; and the war-weary for either.

There is no reason why that shouldn't happen. There is no longer anything at stake for the millions of hold-your-nose voters in both the Trump and Clinton camps.

They can all now vote their principles and take a stand for what they believe. Left-wingers no longer need to feel guilty about enabling Trump. And the legions of anti-government Hillary haters are now stuck with her for the next four years, regardless.

Thank you for your service, Donald!

Indeed, Trump's demise has a Yuugge silver lining. The next four years are destined to become a time of epic financial, economic and political failure. So full political ownership of the impending calamity will now fall exactly where it belongs.

To wit, the blame will fall directly on President (nearly-elect) Hillary Clinton and our current ruling elites. For thirty years they have mired the nation in war, debt, rampant financial inflation, economic failure and the suffocating rule of the Imperial City. Now comes the day of reckoning, and their responsibility for its heavy hurt will be unmistakable to the American people in the traumatic years ahead.

So there are two things that can be done before November 8th. The truly disgusted should stay home. There could be no better way to indict the ruling elites than to deny them any claim that the voters have endorsed the current drift toward fiscal bankruptcy, war with Russia and a thundering collapse of the Fed's giant financial bubble.

For those who think voting is still worthwhile, the point should be to relentlessly maximize the vote for Johnson and Stein. That would  insure that Hillary arrives in the Oval office as a politically-crippled, mandate-less <45% "winner".

Likewise, a 38% +/- vote for the remnant of the GOP ticket---with or without Trump---would guarantee that the Republican party expires in a fit of political fratricide. It couldn't happen soon enough.

Maybe this is America's version of St. Petersburg, October 1917. But rather than a totalitarian state arising from the ashes of war, however, the chance is at hand for the ashes of economic and political failure to burn America's own Leviathan down to size.

Indeed, from the grand political realignment now possible there could emerge a new party of peace, prosperity and liberty. Just imagine that----a fresh start party stripped of the neocon war-mongers, the social-con morality police and the legions of beltway bandits and racketeers that populate both parties.

But first the ominous gravity of what occurred over the weekend must be clearly understood. The establishment media has flat-out assassinated a major party candidate for President.

The Washington Post has become the Black Hand of the Imperial City. It took-out Donald Trump not because of his potty mouth and sophomoric locker room braggadocio, but because he dared challenge the War Party neocons who rule on the say of the poobahs who inhabit the Post's editorial suites.

After all,  Donald Trump was not running for national Sunday School teacher. Governor Mike Huckabee has run on that particular platform several times and has gotten nowhere.

So, yes, the hot mic escapade from 11-years ago wasn't edifying. But after a 40-year sojourn on the public stage who didn't know that Donald Trump is a boorish lecher?

This wasn't new news in the slightest nor did it reduce the contest to a binary choice about "character". Hillary Clinton's 40-year sojourn on the public stage has exhibited "character" even worse than the Donald's. To wit, a saga of chronic lying, political corruption, abuse of subordinates and the enablement of America's all-time #1 misogynist.

But none of that even entered the picture. Instead, Billy Bush's tape (yes, George's cousin!) touched off a sanctimonious feeding frenzy among the liberal media that was not just appalling, but downright frightening in its naked hypocrisy.

Did any of scolds who polluted the airways all weekend on CNN or NBC ever rebuke Bill Clinton or even demand that Hillary denounce his serial history of sexual predation---a matter of overt acts, not just lewd talk?

Indeed, the chastising and harrumphing about the "role model" aspect of the Trump tapes was too rich for words. It might be expected that something less than boy scout talk would have been recorded by the "hot mic" in Billy Bush's Hollywood studio trailer. But what cannot be denied is that Monica Lewinski gave the 42nd president of the United States a BJ while on her knees under his desk in the Oval Office.

Apparently, "fitness" for office is purely a matter of situational politics. Still, the fact that is has come to that speaks volumes about what truly ails America in 2016.

The establishment scolds who have declared the GOP nominee unequivocally "unfit" are actually enablers of far more than the rank hypocrisy of this weekend's eruption of Trump-shaming. Their real offense is their relentless promotion of the cult of the Imperial Presidency.

I am not speaking simply of the fact that too much power has drifted from Capitol Hill to the White House end of Pennsylvania Avenues. In fact, the cult of the Imperial Presidency is part and parcel of the fact that the American state----both its welfare state and warfare state branches----has accumulated way too much power, period.

All of the endless blather about "fitness" for the office, therefore, is really about the desperate need of the Wall Street/Washington elites to insure that the Oval Office is occupied by a reliable advocate of Big Government and one with the political skills and inclination to preside over its perpetuation.

In a word, Donald J. Trump didn't make the cut. But he did survive the elite media's weekend ambush.

And therein lies the key to what come next. To wit, the Republican ticket has not only not been purged of this campaign's unwelcome insurrectionist, but having shot to kill, the liberal media failed and, instead, left the GOP candidate on the playing field as the wounded, raging bull who paced and pawed on the Washington U stage last night.

So doing, of course, they have insured that during the next 30 days this Presidential campaign will descend deeper into the gutter than ever before in American history.

In fact, the Donald's contribution to the future of the Republic may well be to leave Hillary so bruised, battered,  bloodied and delegitimized that a Clinton Administration will be utterly incapable of governing when the crisis comes next year.

That is, there is soon going to be a recession and a violent collapse of our massively inflated financial markets. But an Imperial City paralyzed  by a Republican Party in a fratricidal collapse and a politically-crippled White H0use occupied by a widely despised political hag will be in no position to bailout Wall Street or kick the can one more time.

This time the day of reckoning will produce the mother of all reckonings.  Therefore, get out of the markets while you can; and prepare to join an uprising against the bipartisan status quo and for a fresh start campaign in behalf of peace, prosperity and liberty, if you are inclined.
