IPFS Stephen Lendman

More About: Obama Administration

Obama's Secret Birthday Bash

Obama's Secret Birthday Bash

by Stephen Lendman

I haven't had a birthday party since boyhood, except once at age 50 when my business colleagues surprised me with a lovely cake and bottle of expensive champagne after a company meeting, a memorable moment, much appreciated at the time.

According to The New York Times, White House bashes are common practice, "classified…star-studded galas," including "glamorous birthday parties," celebrated annually for Obama on August 4 - attended by "sports stars, business executives, movie moguls, politicians," and other celebrities.

Imagine having former Beatle Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder perform at your own birthday party, or for your children's. 

Attendees at White House bashes are kept secret, names revealed usually from tweets or leaks. Ahead of Obama's 55th birthday extravaganza, a White House statement withheld until hours before it began simply said:

"This evening the first lady is hosting a 55th birthday celebration for the president at the White House. The guest list includes a large number of family members and friends to mark the occasion. The private event will be paid for with the family's personal funds."

While Obama and guests celebrated last week, reportedly through the night until near daybreak, one guest tweeting he left at 4AM, US imperial wars rage, responsible for millions of post-9/11 lives lost, millions more irrevocably harmed. 

Growing millions at home suffer from the ravages of neoliberal harshness while America's rich and powerful never had it better - Obama and his guests oblivious to what's going on, uncaring about his imperial ruthlessness, enjoying special benefits afforded privilege.

America's war on humanity threatens everyone. World peace hangs in the balance - like never before if war goddess Hillary is anointed the nation's next president.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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