IPFS Stephen Lendman

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Clinton's Post-Convention Surge in Polls Shrinking

Clinton's Post-Convention Surge in Polls Shrinking

by Stephen Lendman

Following Clinton's surge in polls after July's Democrat convention, anti-Trump media scoundrels practically declared the race for the nation's highest office over.

They even suggested the unprecedented notion of a duopoly nominee dropping out of the race, his party dumping him for another choice.

Trump entered the race to win. Succeeding is another matter entirely, given the ease and likelihood of rigging things for Clinton - the establishment's choice. He's the outlier, both candidates widely reviled, perhaps making polls less reliable than otherwise.

On August 6, Reuters headlined "Clinton's lead over Trump narrows to less than three points: Reuters/Ipsos poll," saying its latest numbers show her down from an eight point lead days earlier.

She's ahead of Trump by a 42 - 39% margin, "meaning that the results suggest the race is roughly even," said Reuters - adding reasons for the swift change aren't clear.

Convention hoopla largely explains the initial bump, Trump getting a significant bounce following the Republican convention the previous week.

Three months remain before November's election, a lifetime in politics. Clearly, Clinton is the candidate to beat, pre-selected to succeed Obama, Trump needing to pull-off the near impossible to defeat her - especially with media scoundrels relentlessly against him, inventing reasons to bash him.

Believe nothing they report, featuring managed news misinformation instead of reliable unbiased journalism.

The New York Times operates as a virtual Hillary press agent - one-sidedly supporting her instead of staying neutral in the race. 

Its latest report claims "Republican leaders have concluded that Donald J. Trump is a threat to the party's fortunes and have begun discussing how soon their endangered candidates should explicitly distance themselves from the presidential nominee."

This and what followed reads like a Clinton campaign ad, not journalism the way it's supposed to be.

Some Republicans and wealthy oligarchs oppose Trump. Most party members and other billionaires support him.

It's a long way to election day to see how things shake out. Trump knows his biggest problems are media hostility and possible election rigging for Clinton, a near-impossible combination to overcome.

Times reporting in its latest article and others practically declared her the winner before the first vote is cast - one of many examples of the deplorable state of America, fantasy democracy, not the real thing.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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