IPFS Stephen Lendman


Hypocritical Political Responses to Nice, France Incident

Hypocritical Political Responses to Nice, France Incident

by Stephen Lendman

A same day article discussed the Bastille Day incident, killing or injuring over 200, the death toll mounting as victims succumb. 

Whether individual, group or state-sponsored terrorism so far is unknown - similar incidents suggesting the latter most likely.

World leaders and other top officials reacted - the same ones waging state-sponsored terrorism on humanity, responsible for millions of deaths, Muslim countries ravaged, destroyed, occupied and plundered, domestic civil and human rights eviscerated on the phony pretext of protecting national security.

Shock, horror and angst politicians expressed rang hollow, mindless of their responsibility for genocidal slaughter in multiple imperial war theaters - the supreme crime against peace, committed with disturbing regularity.

America's assassin-in-chief Obama condemned what he called "a horrific terrorist attack," implying an Islamic plot - no evidence proving it.

Days earlier, he approved sending an additional 560 US combat troops to Iraq, increasing America's military footprint to at least 4,650, more coming according to General Joseph Votel, head of US Special Operations Command - waging war OF terror, not combatting it.

John Kerry expressed solidarity "with the French people during this time of tragedy." Were dirty CIA, Mossad and/or French intelligence hands involved?

New British Prime Minister Theresa May's spokesman said "we are shocked and concerned (about) a terrible incident." On July 13, she took over leadership of a regime partnered with Washington's war on humanity, installed to continue it unabated.

"Horror again struck France," said President Francois Hollande, vowing escalated war on Islam, adding "(n)othing will make us yield in our will to fight terrorism."

"We will further strengthen our actions in Iraq and in Syria. We will continue striking those who attack us on our own soil. Following this, we will show real force and military action in Syria and Iraq."

Israeli assassin-in-chief Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said "Israel is willing to help the French government fight (terrorism) until it is defeated" - not until its state sponsors are held accountable.

European Council President Donald Tusk jumped on scores of Bastille Day liberte, egalite, fraternite celebrants killed or injured, calling the incident "a sad day for France, for Europe."

War goddess/she-devil presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton called for "strengthening our alliances including with NATO" - used solely to advance America's imperium, responsible for endless mass slaughter and destruction.

On Thursday, Trump said he'd "use NATO (to get) rid of ISIS, getting rid of this cancer…(T)hat certainly would be a good thing."

A unanimously adopted French-drafted Security Council statement called what happened in Nice a "barbaric and cowardly terrorist attack…condemn(ing) it in the strongest terms," adding "(a)ny acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable."

SC members haven't condemned multiple US-led NATO acts of state terrorism because Washington and its allies block it.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called terrorism a "monstrous evil," calling on "the civilized world…to combine its efforts (to combat it) in all its forms and manifestations."

He expressed genuine grief and sorrow for what happened, unlike disingenuous Western concern, responsible for state-sponsored terrorism worldwide.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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