IPFS Stephen Lendman


ISIS: A US Created/Supported Monster

ISIS: A US Created/Supported Monster

by Stephen Lendman

Western media and too few independent counterparts acknowledge what's vitally important to know.

ISIS, Al Qaeda and likeminded groups are US creations. They couldn't grow and flourish without its significant support, along with from other Western countries and regional ones.

Putin urges world unity in combating a menace too dangerous to ignore. He's gotten few takers so far - on his own along with Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Hezbollah fighters committed to eliminate this scourge, spread to Libya, Afghanistan and elsewhere in Central Asia, separate articles explained.

It released video footage showing its forces operating on Sirte, Libya streets as Islamic police. It controls the city, aiming to capture additional Libyan territory, especially its valued oil fields.

A UN report said "(w)hile currently concentrated in its stronghold in Sirte, ISIL could seek local alliances to expand its territorial control, also entailing the risk of motivating additional foreign terrorist fighters to join the group in Libya."

It aims to capture Ajdabiya, a strategic port city, giving it access to the nation's largest oil center. US-led warplanes are on standby, ready to intervene illegally as ISIS' air force on the pretext of combating it. 

A covert US special forces operation was discovered and expelled from the country. How many unknown Western combat troops now operate secretly in Libya - complicit with ISIS, not combating its elements.

In early 2011, Obama tried justifying US-led NATO naked aggression against Gaddafi threatening no one. He viciously lied, saying "the task…must be…supporting the people of Libya, as they build the future that is free, and democratic and prosperous."

North Africa's most developed country is now one of the world's most violent and chaotic - one of many major war crimes on Obama's rap sheet.

He absurdly attributes current conditions to "a failure of the entire international community." He bears full responsibility for ravaging and destroying the country - with plans for compounding his high crimes with more war, opposite of what Libya desperately needs.

The hacktivist group Anonymous declared cyberwar on ISIS, temporarily taking down thousands of its web sites, maintaining relentless pressure, including against supportive Turkish regime servers.

An Anonymous produced video said the following:

"Dear government of Turkey. If you don't stop supporting ISIS, we will continue attacking your internet, your ROOT DNS, your banks and take your government sites down."

"After the ROOT DNS we will start to hit your airports, military assets and private state connections. We will destroy your critical banking infrastructure."

Maybe America along with its Western and other regional partners will be targeted next, including Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, menacing rogue states threatening world peace.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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