IPFS Stephen Lendman

More About: Israel - Palestine

Palestinian Hunger Striker Muhammad Allan's Life Hangs by a Thread

Palestinian Hunger Striker Muhammad Allan's Life Hangs by a Thread

by Stephen Lendman

Allan remains lawlessly imprisoned by Israel - uncharged and untried because he committed no crimes. He's been hunger striking for justice for over two months. He wants freedom or death.

On Friday, he lapsed unconscious into a coma. He's dying. Israel refuses to release him - claiming without justification he's "dangerous" with no further explanation.

His lawyer Jamil Al-Khatib said he refused prison authorities' meaningless offer of two years administrative detention. If released, he can be arrested again anytime for fabricated reasons or none at all.

Since Friday, hundreds of Palestinians began rallying on his behalf in the northern West Bank, including MKs, led by Islamic Movement in Israel area branch head Raed Salah.

They carried Palestinian flags and banners demanding his immediate release. They shouted slogans saying: "This is the time for a revolution." "We want justice," "Israel is a criminal state." "We are not afraid."

Dozens rallied in Hebron on his behalf. On Friday, 1,000 or more marched in Nablus supportively. Other West Bank protests were held. More on this below. 

Allan's father said he's "determined to continue his hunger strike despite it being life threatening. Now he is in the hands of God, and all we can do is pray to God to protect his life." 

Israeli Committee Against House Demolition's Jeff Halper explained a detainee like Allan "has no way to defend himself. There is no lawyer involved. It is an absolute absence of any due process of law. That is why hunger strikes are so important. They are the only weapon that Palestinians have to resist these illegal detentions."

Hundreds of Qalqilia area Palestinians rallied for Allan. Israeli soldiers confronted them violently with tear gas, stun grenades, skunk water containing toxic chemicals, rubber-coated steel bullets and live fire - at unarmed peaceful protesters.

Popular Struggle Committee coordinator Morad Eshteiwy said many demonstrators needed medical treatment. An Israeli bulldozer willfully broke the area's main water pipeline, shutting off supply to residents, he added.

After Friday prayers, a rally and sit-in were held at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam's third holiest site. Demonstrators held Allan photos. Chants called for his immediate release.

Europeans for the rights of Palestinian prisoners issued a statement saying "Allan might die at any moment. His health condition reached a very critical stage."

"It is a shame on the Israeli government and on the entire world that a captive had to go through all this suffering to demand his legitimate right to freedom while the whole world is watching in silence."

Physicians for Human Rights-Israel said "(i)t is time for the Israeli political leadership to reach a decision to release Allan from administrative detention and enable his doctors to concentrate on fighting for his life."

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine's Khaled Barakat issued a statement saying PFLP "hold(s) Israel fully accountable for the life of Muhammad Allan, the heroic imprisoned Palestinian struggler. Israel is responsible for his life and must bear the consequences if he dies."

"…Israel must…pay for its crimes. (It) enjoy(s) global impunity thanks to the support of the United States and fellow imperial powers." 

"This must come to an end through the efforts of Palestinian resistance and revolution, supported by the people of the world. Otherwise, the business of occupation, killing and torture will continue as business as usual."

A Final Comment

On August 12, Jimmy Carter released a statement saying "(r)ecent liver surgery revealed that I have cancer that now is in other parts of my body."

He's being treated at Emory Healthcare in Atlanta. "A more complete public statement will be made when facts are known, possibly next week," he added.

In October, he'll be 91. Hopefully he'll achieve a speedy and full recovery. On August 13, Prospect magazine published an interview with him - conducted before his liver surgery.

His new book just out is titled "A Full Life: Reflections at 90." He told Prospect: "At this time, there is zero chance (for a) two-state solution. These are the worst prospects for peace between Israel and the Palestinians for years."

Netanyahu "has(n't) any intention" of pursuing it. Carter believes the "US has withdrawn" from talks, following their collapse last year. During his April Israel/West Bank visit, he didn't contact Netanyahu for a meeting.

He considered it "a waste of time" to ask. Netanyahu "does not now and has never sincerely believed in a two-state solution." He wants total West Bank/Jerusalem control "without giving (Palestinians) equal rights…They will never get equal rights" to Jews.

Carter supports the Iran nuclear deal. He calls it "the best we can do and the only alternative to a conflict…" 

He hopes Washington policymakers will improve relations with the Islamic Republic. It takes a great leap of faith to expect it.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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