IPFS Stephen Lendman

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US/Saudi Proposed 5-Day Ceasefire in Yemen: Hold the Cheers

US/Saudi Proposed 5-Day Ceasefire in Yemen: Hold the Cheers

by Stephen Lendman

On Thursday, John Kerry met his Saudi counterpart in high crimes against peace Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir in Riyadh. 

They proposed what they called a 5-day humanitarian pause after weeks of US-orchestrated/Saudi-led terror-bombing - including against civilian neighborhoods, refugee camps, schools, hospitals, food storage areas, power facilities and other vital infrastructure.

Their proposal combines PR duplicity with strings. It requires Houthis to lay down their arms and stop fighting.

It comes at the same time Saudi planes air-dropped weapons to Al Qaeda and other takfiri terrorists Riyadh recruited to battle Houthis - extremist elements recognizing no ceasefire pauses.

It's when dozens of daily terror-bombing strikes and offshore shellings continue. On Wednesday, Maydi Hospital in Hajjah province was struck.

The US/Saudi ceasefire pause is subterfuge. On the one hand, it ignores lawless aggression against a nation threatening no others.

At the same time, it looks like a thinly-veiled scheme to blame Houthis for defending themselves against Saudi-recruited Al Qaeda and other takfiri terrorist attacks.

Yemen is Obama's war - using Saudis and other regional rogue states as US proxy forces. Fighting won't end until Washington regains control over its former client state. 

Expect protracted conflict to continue. Expect humanitarian conditions to grow more dire than already.

On Wednesday, Iranian leader Seyyed Ali Khamenei denounced Saudi aggression "against people and women and children in Yemen without any justification and only under the pretext that the Yemeni people do not accept a so-and-so person as the president, and the Americans are also supporting this monstrous crime."

He called Washington the most "disgraced government in the world,", saying "(t)he Americans are supporting the massacre of the Yemeni people without any shame, but they accuse Iran which is sending medical aid and food" to desperately needy people.

On Tuesday, Iranian Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir-Abollahian vowed not to let Yemen become another Gaza under protracted siege.

Tehran will do all it can to provide vitally needed humanitarian aid. In contrast, Yemen's illegitimate government in exile urged the UN "to quickly intervene by land forces to save" the nation.

Its UN envoy Khaled Alyemany wants more anti-Houthi ground forces to increase bloodshed. He blames Houthis for US-orchestrated/Saudi-led aggression. 

UN relief coordinator for Yemen Johannes van der Klaauw said "(w)ithout access to the airports, aid agencies are unable to bring in staff, vital supplies of medicines and other critical life-saving assistance, or undertake medical evacuations of their personnel."

He strongly urged Saudis "to stop targeting Sanaa International Airport and to preserve this important lifeline - and all other airports and seaports - so that humanitarians can reach all those affected by the armed conflict…"

US-directed dirty war without mercy continues. Expect lots more death, destruction and unspeakable human misery - genocidal war crimes by any standard.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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