IPFS Frosty Wooldridge


More About: Politics: General Activism

Part 11: What America will look like in 2050: Schizophrenic society

Part 11: Nation of refugees, cultural conflict, social schizophrenia
Despite the origin of the term from the Greek roots “skhizein” which means "to split", schizophrenia does not imply a "multiple personality disorder.”  The term means a "splitting of mental functions.”  You might say that someone suffering from a multiple personality disorder walks around with an endless number of “distinct” persons in his or her head.  All of them compete for dominance.  All of them create chaos in that person’s mind.
Enter the term “multiculturalism” where multiple cultures reside in the same country.   Ultimately cultures conflict with one another via people, passions and language.

Jonathan H. Turner defines it as a conflict caused by "differences in cultural values and beliefs that place people at odds with one another". He defines this conflict as, “One that occurs when peoples’ expectations of a certain behavior coming from their cultural backgrounds are not met.  They face others that possess different cultural backgrounds and different expectations.”

We proved that cultures don’t mix when we usurped the Native American Indians of North America.  They have not integrated into the white man’s culture whatsoever.

“Cultural conflicts are difficult to resolve as parties to the conflict have different beliefs,” said Turner.  “Cultural conflicts intensify when those differences become reflected in politics, particularly on a macro level.  An example of cultural conflict is the debate over abortion.  Ethnic cleansing is another extreme example of cultural conflict. Wars can also be a result of a cultural conflict.”

The African-Americans versus European-American conflict rages in the United States without pause from 1776 to 2013.  No amount of laws, education, forced integration, police or legal consequences stop racial discrimination, racial bias, racism or violence.

Whether in the NFL two weeks ago with one black and one white player fighting over race or the Zimmerman-Martin killing or voting a black president into the White House—Americans fail to resolve the racial-cultural divide that permeates every city in America where blacks, Mexicans and whites mix.

Today, blacks in big cities practice a new game where they “Knockout” a white person from behind with a hammer or 2x4 board.  “Black flash mobs” run around major US cities looting stores and killing white people. They take a video of their kills and boast on You Tube.  Much the same occurred in the 80s, 90s and last decade with blacks car- jacking whites in Detroit, Michigan at stoplights.  Whites fled to the tune of over 1.0 million over 20 years. Their flight dropped Detroit from 1.85 million to its current 680,000 today—over 90 percent Arabic-Black minority.

Illegal alien Mexican migrants attempt to fight their way into America demanding we suspend our laws in favor of legalizing their lawlessness. As their numbers continue to grow, we can expect violent demonstrations. They demand Americans speak Spanish and wherever Mexicans command dominant numbers, Americans must teach Mexican kids in Spanish. Mexican racism runs deep and virulent.

If you look at Norway, United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Belgium and Holland today, you see the results of multiculturalism turning their countries into “Schizophrenic societies.”  All of them see major crime waves of rapes, murders, shoplifting, bursting prisons, schools in chaos, enclaving of entire cities into cultural ghettos, language changes, cultural changes and loss of societal cohesiveness.  Belgium, once all-European, will become an Islamic caliphate within four decades.  Its culture and language face ultimate displacement by its Islamic immigrants.

Of special note, Swedish women can no longer walk down the streets of Stockholm by themselves for fear of being accosted, raped or murdered by Muslim immigrant males.  Same in Norway and in France where Muslims dominate a specific enclave!

The United Kingdom, Holland and France face similar fates.

Within 37 years, the United States faces becoming a “Schizophrenic Society” with 100 million immigrants streaming into its borders from 150 countries around the world.  Some cultures will create and harbor their own in ghettos like the ones they fled.  Others will compete for dominance like the Islamic immigrants as they follow the prime directive of their Koran—“You must convert or kill all non-believers, especially the Jews.”

As this series winds down as to what America will look like in 2050, you cannot help but cringe at the loss of your own language, culture and way of life.  You may be sickened at what you see already occurring across America in Mexican ghettoes like Los Angeles, Houston and along the border with “colonias” that reek of third world misery.

If you don’t want to see our country turned into a schizophrenic cultural quagmire, call Speaker of the House John Boehner at 1 202 225 0600:

“Mr. Boehner, I understand that S744 doubles legal immigration from its current 1.0 million annually to 2.0 million while giving amnesty to 12 to 20 million illegal migrants. Do you understand that such an amnesty would flood America with over 100 million immigrants by 2050—a scant 37 years from now. How will we be able to water, house, work, feed, educate, medicate and care for that many people when we already suffer 48 million Americans who cannot secure jobs and live on food stamps? How will we maintain our environment and standard of living in light of those numbers. As an American citizen, I demand that you reduce all immigration to less than 100,000 annually and enforce the laws on the books to arrest, prosecute and jail employers of illegal migrants. That will help illegal migrants to go home on their own dime when they don’t have a job. Our own unemployed citizens can take those jobs at a living wage.”
Also: call your own U.S. Senators and leave the same message.
Do the same for all the email addresses below to start a national conversation:
George Noory: coasttocoastam@aol.com


Charlie Rose:  charlierose@pbs.com

Today Show:  todaystoryideas@nbc.com


Matt Lauer: Today@nbc.com

O’Reilly: Oreilly@foxnews.com


Brian Williams: nightly@msnbc.com

Greta van Susteren:  Ontherecord@foxnews.com


Editor:  letters@washpost.com

Editor: wsj.ltrs@wsj.com

Editor: letters@time.com

Editor: letters@newsweek.com


Editor: letters@nytimes.com

Editor: openforum@denverpost.com

Part 12: Summing up 100 million added immigrants and the overall consequences to future Americans.

 If you would like to make a difference, please join these organizations for the most effective collective action you can take: www.CapsWeb.org ; www.NumbersUSA.org ; www.TheSocialContract.com ; www.Fairus.org
Join me, Frosty Wooldridge, with Dave Chaffin, host of the Morning Zone at 650 AM, www.KGAB.com, Cheyenne, Wyoming every Monday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., as we discuss my latest commentaries on issues facing America. You may stream the show on your computer. You may call in at: 1-888-503-6500.
In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:
“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck
This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org
This is the best website to start:  www.numbersusa.org ; watch Roy Beck’s “Immigration by the Numbers” at 14 minutes. Bi-partisan and very effective. Become a faxer of pre-written letters to your reps to make positive  change.
Visit www.TheSocialContract.com for the best information on what we face as a civilization as to overpopulation, energy, immigration and much more.
Canada www.immigrationwatchcanada.org ; in Australia www.population.org.au andPublicPopForum@yahoogroups.com; in Great Britain www.populationmatters.org ; and dozens of other sites accessed at www.frostywooldridge.com.   In Florida, www.flimen.org .
Dave Gardner, President, Citizen-Powered Media ; Producing the Documentary, GROWTH BUSTERS; presents Hooked on Growth: Our Misguided Quest for Prosperity, Join the cause at www.growthbusters.org ; Trailer to his latest movie on overpopulation:  http://youtu.be/KLWxWOcUrVc
Check out this link with Wooldridge on bicycle and Lester Brown and panel discussion:
Tomorrow's Americaproject on www.youtube.com/contemporarylearning.
Producer: GEORGE A. COLBURNwww.tomorrowsamerica.com
DC: 202-258-4887
Email: gac@starbrightmc.com
Link to www.tomorrowsamerica.com for more discussions on America's predicament.
We must come to terms with birth control and stabilizing human population. This three minute video brings the terror of India’s predicament up close and personal by Paul Winn of Australia:
This film will rock you:   MOTHER: CARING FOR 7 BILLION  
Dr. Jack Alpert , www.skil.org
Too Many People Video series

How Much Degrowth is Enough?     "NEW"                 Sept. 2012

The Human Predicament and What to Do About It       Feb. 2012

Overpopulation Means Civilization Collapse                Aug. 2011

Important books to read and educate yourself:
Life on the Brink: Environmentalists Confront Overpopulation, edited by Philip Cafaro and Eileen Crist, 2012
The World Without Us, Alan Weisman 2007   A scholarly research on how the Earth will fare after Homo sapiens are gone.
Man Swarm, and the Killing of Wildlife, Dave Foreman 2011  Mankind as locusts.
Take Conservation Back, Dave Foreman, 2013
The Long Emergency by James Howard Kunstler, what America faces when oil runs out.
Overshoot by William Catton
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed by Jared Diamond
Peak Everything: Facing a century of Declines by Richard Heinberg
Plan B, 4.0, Saving Civilization by Lester Brown
The Population Fix by Edward C. Hartman
America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans by Frosty Wooldridge
Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents - from the Arctic to the South Pole - as well as eight times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. In 2012, he bicycled coast to coast across America.  He presents “The Coming Population Crisis facing America: what to do about it.”  www.frostywooldridge.com .  His latest book is: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World by Frosty Wooldridge, copies at 1 888 280 7715/ Motivational program: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World by Frosty Wooldridge, click:  www.HowToLiveALifeOfAdventure.com

Live well, laugh often, celebrate daily and enjoy the ride,
Frosty Wooldridge
Golden, Colorado
6 Continent world bicycle traveler
Order these unique cards today: http://www.howtolivealifeofadventure.com/

Frosty Wooldridge

Golden, CO
Six continent world bicycle traveler
Adventure book: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World
Latest book:  How to Deal with 21st Century American Women: Co-creating a successful relationship
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Frosty Wooldridge, six continent world bicycle traveler, Mexico to Canada summer 2013, 2,500 miles, 150,000 vertical feet of climbing, 19 passes, and a whole lot of fun! Yahoo!

Frosty Wooldridge
Golden, CO



Six continent world bicycle traveler


Adventure book: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World

Latest book:  How to Deal with 21st Century American Women: Co-creating a successful relationship


Distributor for: www.lifevantage.com ; write me for further information on improving your health.

This 5 minute video is on my website that shows you how to reduce oxidative stress 40 to 70 percent to stop internal rusting in your body. This is a "Medical Breakthrough" equal to polio vaccine, penicillin and open heart surgery:



The only patented, peer-reviewed "Nrf2" synergizer on the planet that is scientifically proven to reduce oxidative stress by an average of 40 percent  in 30 days in 100 percent of all mammals 100 percent of the time.  Oxidative stress is the one common cause of over 200  health concerns and diseases.  It is physically impossible to consume enough anti-oxidants in a day to do what one Protandim caplet daily does.  Scientifically proven to reduce oxidative stress in 30 days by 40 to 70 percent, Protandim turns back your internal age to that of a 20 year old.  It allows you to dance into your 50s, 60s , 70s and beyond.   www.abcliveit.com  ;  www.lifevantage.com/growingyounger

What is "Nrf2"? Answer: “High levels of free radicals turn on a specific protein in the cell’s nucleus; called Nrf2. Activation of Nrf2 essentially opens the door for the production of a vast array of our body’s most important antioxidants."

Frosty Wooldridge, six continent world bicycle traveler, Mexico to Canada summer 2013, 2,500 miles, 150,000 vertical feet of climbing, 19 passes, and a whole lot of fun! Yahoo!

